Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
Crossing Borders
Maureen A. Ramsden
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 18 Décembre 2015
- 9783035395495
In the twentieth century, the boundaries between different literary genres started to be questioned, raising a discussion about the various narrative modes of factual and fictional discourses. Moving on from the limited traditional studies of genre definitions, this book argues that the borders between these two types of discourse depend on complex issues of epistemology, literary traditions and social and political constraints. This study attempts a systematic and specific analysis of how literary works, and in particular documentary ones, where the borders are more difficult to define, can be classified as factual or fictional. The book deals with several areas of discourse, including history, travel tales, autobiography and reportage, and opens up perspectives on the very different ways in which documentary works make use of the inescapable presence of both factual and fictional elements.
Medicine Matters in Five Comedies of Shakespeare
Luisa Camaiora, Andrea A. Conti
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 5 Août 2016
- 9783034323130
The book examines the presence of medicine matters in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors, Love's Labour's Lost, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew, and The Merry Wives of Windsor, and documents how the theme of medicine can acquire particular importance for the interpretation of the plays: namely, it matters. Andrea A. Conti provides information on certain aspects of the medical context of the Renaissance, effecting the essential connections with previous and subsequent periods and furnishing the necessary background for the understanding of the state of the art of medicine at the time. Luisa Camaiora presents a close reading of the comedies, and identifies for each a specific and dominant medical facet, then proposed as a structural key for the analysis of the plays. The medical motifs enucleated determine the critical perspective for the discussion of the dramatic characters and events and for the interpretation of the overall meaning and significance of the single works. Features and references related to the sphere of medicine, identified in the comedies, are also commented upon and examined in the context of this medical reading of the plays.
Henry VIII's Conservative Scholar
Andrew A. Chibi
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 6 Août 2012
- 9783035301182
Through a careful reexamination of manuscripts, archival materials, primary documents and other secondary sources, this book traces the central importance of one of Henry VIII's lesser known advisors. Bishop John Stokesley was deeply involved in the King's matrimonial controversies, in the development of royal supremacy theory, in both doctrinal and clerical reform and proved himself a conscientious pastoral shepherd. The result of this research draws attention away from the major figures of the Henrician period forcing the reader to consider the key events of the reign from a new perspective: that of an important conservative scholar and Bishop.
`Ye whom the charms of grammar please'
Kari Haugland, Kevin Mccafferty, Kristian A. Rusten
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 14 Avril 2014
- 9783035398151
This collection of articles by colleagues and students of Leiv Egil Breivik presents studies within both core and peripheral areas of English historical linguistics. Core topics covered include the development of existential there and related phenomena, word order, the evolution of adverbials, null subjects from Old to Early Modern English, pragmatics and information structure and aspects of discourse. Contributors also address the emergence of new syntactic constructions in the past and present, language contact and aspects of style in Early Modern English letters and medical texts. The ideological discourses of children's dictionaries and medieval letters of defence are also explored. The essays are all empirical studies, based on a wide range of corpora (both historical and contemporary) and applying theoretical approaches informed by Systemic-Functional Grammar, grammaticalization theory, dependency grammar, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics and corpus linguistic methods. Issues of methodology, statistics and corpus construction and annotation are also addressed in several contributions.
War, Journalism and History
Yvonne Mcewen, Fiona A. Fisken
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 24 Septembre 2012
- 9783035303025
War, Journalism and History is the first published work to examine an eclectic mix of correspondents during the two world wars who were prepared, often at great personal cost, to inform the public about the obscenity of warfare. Throughout both world wars the lack of credible information being dispatched from fighting fronts to the home front led to the creation of an information vacuum. The void was filled by war correspondents: the heroes, sometimes anti-heroes, of news reporting. This edited volume examines the lives and works of maverick war correspondents such as Richard Dimbleby, Vasilii Grossman, Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, Albert Londres, Vera Brittain, and others who, whether through the use of pen or camera, typewriter or radio, tried to secure the integrity of wartime reporting and accurately record history in the making.
Intercultural Policies and Education
Susana Goncalves, Markus A. Carpenter
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 13 Juin 2012
- 9783035103878
Intercultural Policies and Education is concerned with educational challenges in multicultural societies. Educational policies, practices and strategies for fruitful coexistence in the multicultural school and classroom are explored and analysed through a collection of chapters designed and selected to provide readers with international, multidisciplinary and multidimensional perspectives on the topic. The first section of the book is focused on intercultural policies, pedagogy and curriculum, addressing aspects of interest to school management, like teacher recruitment, the internet, intercultural communication at school from a philosophical point of view. Further, the first part deals with the influence of phenomena such as globalization and includes an analysis of universalism and cosmopolitanism. The second part entails more specific approaches to education, the school and coexistence, by addressing a number of cases from European schools and results from educational projects, thus complementing the theoretical and conceptual framework presented in the first section. This collection of essays and case studies presents a reasonably comprehensive picture of the situation in Europe and contributes to a better understanding of pluralism in society and especially in school.
Beyond RastafarI
Marzia A. Coltri
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 26 Mars 2015
- 9783035395150
This book is an invitation to reflect on how a minority culture emerged from within «Third World» liberation movements. It considers not only the historical and cultural journey between Ethiopia and Jamaica, but also the psychological dynamics of subalterns between the East and the West. In this work, the author discusses the various beliefs and ideologies of the RastafarI movement in relation to Ethiopia, and challenges the RastafarI misogynistic attitude by rehabilitating the position of women within the movement through the figure of the Queen of Sheba.
Of Mermaids and Others
Cary A. Shay
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 30 Janvier 2014
- 9783035399592
This volume is a critical introduction to the poetry of Irish writer Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill. Writing poetry exclusively in Irish but allowing and overseeing translations of her work into several languages, primarily English, Ní Dhomhnaill is the first Irish-language poet to gain an international following. She is also a pioneer in fostering a renewed relationship between the two languages of Ireland's literary traditions. Ní Dhomhnaill is unflinching in her interventions into problematic social, linguistic and even theoretical arenas, and is well known for her brutal parodies, ribald sexual scenarios and persistent debunking and revising of religious, political and mythological imagery. Her primary thematic concerns demonstrate her dedication to critiquing and ultimately changing dominant discourses so that they account for the presence and contributions of women writers. This volume explores the fraught issues of translating and contextualizing Ní Dhomhnaill's oeuvre, her use and revisions of Irish myth, folklore and political and religious iconography, her re-imagining of the mother in culture and religious ideology, and the devices of death, silence and psychoanalytic discourse in her mermaid cycle and other poems. The book hails Ní Dhomhnaill, who has not hitherto received a great deal of critical attention in English, as a major figure in world literature.
Behind the Image
Judith A. Kidd
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 19 Décembre 2013
- 9783035305593
Scenes and characters from the Old Testament appear frequently in Western medieval art, yet the study of their significance is a neglected area of iconography. A common literature for both Jews and Christians, the Hebrew Scriptures had an especially broad appeal for the Church of the Middle Ages. Many sections of medieval society identified with the Hebrews of the Old Testament and sought from them direct models for leadership, moral behaviour and even art itself. Most of the imagery in medieval art derived from close study of the biblical texts and from the retelling of these stories in contemporary poetry and drama. This interdisciplinary study of art history and theology takes a thematic approach to the ways in which the Church drew on the ancient texts, focusing on the topics precedent, word, time, typology and synagogue. The introduction given here to the vast scholarly and literary hinterland behind the art, with insights into the thought processes from which the images emerged, not only brings fresh perspectives to specific sculptures, wall paintings, stained glass and liturgical objects, but facilitates a better understanding of Old Testament iconography wherever it is encountered.
National Monuments and Nationalism in 19th Century Germany
Hans A. Pohlsander
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 27 Avril 2011
- 9783035300864
No century in modern European history has built monuments with more enthusiasm than the 19th. Of the hundreds of monuments erected, those which sprang from a nation-wide initiative and addressed themselves to a nation, rather than part of a nation, we may call national monuments. Nelson's Column in London or the Arc de Triomphe in Paris are obvious examples. In Germany the 19th century witnessed a veritable flood of monuments, many of which rank as national monuments. These reflected and contributed to a developing sense of national identity and the search for national unity; they also document an unsuccessful effort to create a «genuinely German» style. They constitute a historical record, quite apart from aesthetic appeal or ideological message. As this historical record is examined, German national monuments of the 19th century are described and interpreted against the background of the nationalism which gave birth to them.
D'etudiant etranger a travailleur etranger hautement qualifie en suisse - etre dit dans la press
Keller-Gerber A.
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 14 Octobre 2016
- 9783034324878
Depuis sa fondation en 1889, l'Université de Fribourg a accueilli des intellectuels étrangers venant autant de pays voisins (la France ou l'Allemagne) que de pays plus exotiques. Mais la Réforme de Bologne a entraîné une modification du visage de l'étudiant étranger en Suisse, et à Fribourg en particulier. Dans sa thèse, l'auteure répertorie des discours en circulation sur les migration(s) hautement qualifiée(s) en Suisse afin d'en mesurer l'impact sur les récits de vie de diplômés étrangers en processus d'établissement dans leur ville d'études. Ce travail s'ancre dans le champ de la didactique des langues et des cultures étrangères. Il s'agit d'une recherche qualitative, menée dans une perspective anthropologique. Dans ses analyses, l'auteure s'inspire d'autres disciplines telles que la sémiotique ou la narratologie.