Chiara Bottici
Manifeste anarcha-féministe
Chiara Bottici
- Éditions Payot
- Hors collection
- 4 Janvier 2023
- 9782228932578
Plus que jamais, dans le monde entier, le féminisme est crucial, mais le risque est qu'il abrite de nouvelle hiérarchies, de nouveaux clivages de classe, de race, de culture. D'où l'importance de l'anarcha-féminisme. Si l'anarchisme vise à une société sans relations de domination, il a partie liée avec le féminisme. Il a besoin du féminisme pour lutter contre la subordination continue de toutes les femmes, et le féminisme a besoin de lui s'il ne veut pas devenir le privilège de quelques-unes. "Soit toutes, soit aucune d'entre nous ne sera libre !"
Feminism, Capitalism, and Critique
Banu Bargu, Chiara Bottici
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 24 Juillet 2017
- 9783319523866
This edited collection examines the relationship between three central terms-capitalism, feminism, and critique-while critically celebrating the work and life of a thinker who has done the most to address this nexus: Nancy Fraser. In honor of her seventieth birthday, and in the spirit of her work in the tradition of critical theory, this collection brings together scholars from different disciplines and theoretical approaches to address this conjunction and evaluate Fraser's lifelong contributions to theorizing it. Scholars from philosophy, political science, sociology, gender studies, race theory and economics come together to think through the vicissitudes of capitalism and feminism while also responding to different elements of Nancy Fraser's work, which weaves together a strong feminist standpoint with a vibrant and complex critique of capitalism. Going beyond conventional disciplinary distinctions and narrow debates, all the contributors to this project share a commitment to critically understanding the connection between capitalism, exploitation, and the viable roads for emancipation. They recover insights provided by classical traditions of political and social thought, but they also open new research directions adapted to the global challenges of our time.