David Allen
21 produits trouvés
S'organiser pour réussir : la méthode GTD ou l'art de l'efficacité sans stress !
David Allen
- Alisio
- 1 Octobre 2015
- 9791092928549
Vous croulez sous vos listes de tâches au travail et à la maison ?
La méthode GTD (Getting Things Done, d'après le titre américain du livre) ou l'art de l'efficacité sans le stress est une méthode qui permet d'accroître vos capacités d'organisation, votre efficacité et votre créativité sans multiplier vos efforts.
Déjà appliquée dans les plus grandes entreprises internationales, elle peut transformer radicalement votre manière de vivre et de travailler.
Son principe : votre efficacité est directement proportionnelle à votre capacité à vous détendre. Si votre esprit est clair et vos idées organisées, vous pouvez améliorer vos performances sans subir de stress.
Ce livre vous apprend à :
- réévaluer vos objectifs au fur et à mesure que les priorités changent
- vous débarrasser du sentiment d'être débordé, anxieux, stressé, impuissant...
- planifier et matérialiser vos projets
- accepter de ne pas pouvoir tout faire en même temps.
« Les stratégies que propose David Allen pour s'acquitter de sa charge de travail sont inestimables. Lisez ce livre ! » - Ken Blanchard, coauteur du Manager minute. -
S'organiser pour réussir : la métode GTD spécial ados
David Allen
- Alisio
- 3 Novembre 2020
- 9782379351730
Découvrez LA MÉTHODE GTD (d’après l’anglais Getting Things Done), qui vous aidera à être plus efficace et à moins stresser !
Spécialement adapté aux problématiques des adolescents et des jeunes adultes, cet ouvrage vous propose conseils et outils pour vous aider à faire le tri dans toutes les informations que vous recevez chaque jour. Si votre esprit est clair et vos idées organisées, vous avancez sur vos révisions ou vos projets en toute sérénité.
David Allen est l’un des théoriciens de la productivité, de l’organisation personnelle et de l’efficacité professionnelle les plus influents du monde.
Consultant en gestion et coach, il donne des conférences dans les plus grandes entreprises et organisations internationales. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs best-sellers internationaux dont S’organiser pour réussir et La méthode GTD en pratique, publiés aux éditions Alisio. Le magazine Time qualifie son livre phare, S’organiser pour réussir, de « livre de développement personnel des entreprises de la décennie ». -
La méthode d'organisation infaillible, à appliquer au travail comme à la maison !
Vous rêvez de journées, efficaces et sans stress ? Où productivité et sérénité iraient de pair ? Vous avez essayé les heures supplémentaires, les to-do lists, les Post-it...
Rien n'y fait : malgré vos efforts, vous êtes toujours dépassé par le nombre de choses à effectuer. Que diriez-vous de prendre un nouveau départ ?
C'est ce que vous propose David Allen. Il détient la méthode qui va vous permettre de mieux gérer votre vie, de vous améliorer dans tous les domaines et de réorienter vos priorités. Ce livre va vous aider à organiser toutes les affaires en suspens de votre vie, qu'il s'agisse d'un trop-plein chronique d'e-mails, d'un défi professionnel déterminant ou de vos prochaines vacances. Et tout cela, dans le calme et la simplicité !
Après S'organiser pour réussir (éditions Leduc), qui a fait connaître à des millions de lecteurs dans le monde la fameuse méthode GTD (Getting Things Done), l'auteur peaufine sa démarche en la rendant encore plus pratique, pour tous ceux qui veulent réussir aussi bien dans leur vie professionnelle que personnelle.
« GTD est tout simplement efficace ! Si l'on est prêt à faire l'effort d'organiser sa vie, alors les résultats ne se font pas attendre. » - Un lecteur -
Vous croulez sous vos listes de tâches au travail et à la maison ? La méthodeGTD (Getting Things Done, d’après le titre américain du livre) ou l’art del’e cacité sans le stress est une méthode qui permet d’accroître vos capacitésd’organisation, votre e cacité et votre créativité sans multiplier vos e orts.Déjà appliquée dans les plus grandes entreprises internationales, elle peuttransformer radicalement votre manière de vivre et de travailler. Son principe :votre e cacité est directement proportionnelle à votre capacité à vousdétendre. Si votre esprit est clair et vos idées organisées, vous pouvez améliorervos performances sans subir de stress.Ce livre vous apprend à :• réévaluer vos objectifs au fur et à mesure que les priorités changent• vous débarrasser du sentiment d’être débordé, anxieux, stressé, impuissant…• planifi er et matérialiser vos projets• accepter de ne pas pouvoir tout faire en même temps.
Durée : 10H50
© 2001 2015 by D.Allen Adaptation et traduction de la présente édition : A et M Bories © 2015 Alisi © et (P) Audiolib, 2015 -
La méthode d’organisation infaillible, à appliquer au travail comme à la maison.Vous rêvez de journées efficaces et sans stress ? Où productivité et sérénité iraient de pair ? Vous avez essayé les heures supplémentaires, les to-do lists, les Post-it... Rien n’y fait : malgré vos efforts, vous êtes toujours dépassé par le nombre de choses à effectuer. Que diriez-vous de prendre un nouveau départ ? C’est ce que vous propose David Allen. Il détient la méthode qui va vous permettre de mieux gérer votre vie, de vous améliorer dans tous les domaines et de réorienter vos priorités.
Ce livre va vous aider à organiser toutes les affaires en suspens de votre vie, qu’il s’agisse d’un trop-plein chronique d’e-mails, d’un défi professionnel déterminant ou de vos prochaines vacances. Et tout cela, dans le calme et la simplicité ! Après S’organiser pour réussir (éditions Leduc.s), qui a fait connaître à des millions de lecteurs dans le monde la fameuse méthode GTD (Getting Things Done), l’auteur peaufine sa démarche en la rendant encore plus pratique, pour tous ceux qui veulent réussir aussi bien dans leur vie professionnelle que personnelle.
Durée : 10H34
(C) et (P) Audiolib, 2018 © David Allen, 2008 © Les Éditions Transcontinental, 2009 © 2017, Alisio, Leduc.s. -
This unique book presents a nontechnical view of the history of mechanics, from the Big Bang to present day. The impact of mechanics on the evolution of a variety of subjects is vividly illustrated, including astronomy, geology, astrophysics, anthropology, archeology, ancient history, Renaissance art, music, meteorology, modern structural engineering, mathematics, medicine, warfare, and sports. While enormous in scope, the subject matter is covered (with ample photographic support) at a level designed to capture the interest of both the learned and the curious. The book concludes with a creative and thoughtful examination of the current state of mechanics and possibilities for the future of mechanics.
Prêt pour l'action ; 52 stratégies pour devenir vraiment efficace !
David Allen
- Éditions Leduc
- 1 Juin 2009
- 9782848999241
Dites OUI ! à l'efficacité et ne remettez plus rien au lendemain
L’introduction à la méthode GTD : Getting Things Done
Vos listes de tâches s’allongent indéfiniment ? Vous n’arrivez pas à vous détendre ? Vous avez une tendance à la procrastination ? Vous pensez peut-être, à tort, que vous seriez moins stressé et plus épanoui si vous aviez moins de choses à faire. Vous vous trompez. Le problème, ce n’est pas la quantité de choses que vous devez faire, mais les obstacles qui vous empêchent de passer à l’action. Le problème, c’est que votre esprit est encombré. Dans ce livre, David Allen vous donne 52 moyens simples de libérer votre esprit et de clarifier vos objectifs de façon à ce que vous soyez toujours prêt à agir.
Son approche vous permettra :
- d’accroître votre créativité,
- de mieux vous concentrer tout en étant moins stressé,
- et d’être vraiment efficace, au travail comme dans la vie.
Cessez de gérer votre temps. Préparez votre esprit.Et soyez enfin prêt pour l’action !
« Les stratégies que propose David Allen pour s’acquitter de sa charge de travail sont inestimables ! » - Ken Blanchard, coauteur du Manager minute. -
En route vers la lune
David Marchand, Guillaume Prévôt, Peter Allen
- Nathan
- A bord de l'Histoire
- 25 Janvier 2024
- 9782095020804
Un voyage extraordinaire avec l'équipe d'Apollo 11 pour tout savoir sur la construction de leur fusée, les conditions de vie à bord, le décollage et l'atterrissage, comme si on y était !Revis la vertigineuse mission Apollo 11 et le 1er pas de l'Homme sur la Lune ! Une aventure humaine et technique incroyable, qui a marqué une étape décisive dans la conquête spatiale.
10 juin 1969 : au centre de Houston règne l'excitation parmi l'équipe de techniciens qui entoure Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins et Neil Armstrong. Si tout se passe bien, cette mission sera la première à poser un homme sur la Lune !
Un petit pas pour l'Homme, un grand pas pour l'humanité !Un grand format immersif avec une mine d'informations par deux auteurs spécialistes : David Marchand et Guillaume Prévôt ont tous deux une formation d'ingénieurs de recherche en sciences physiques. David a travaillé au CNES, Guillaume travaille au CNRS, dans un service d'instrumentation spatiale pour l'astrophysique.
La collection "
A bord de l'Histoire" : des documentaires qui réunissent deux passions des enfants, l'Histoire et les véhicules ! -
The Future of the Philosophy of Religion
C. Allen Speight, M. David Eckel, Troy Dujardin
- Springer
- 12 Octobre 2020
- 9783030446062
This collection of essays on the philosophy of religion and its future brings together accomplished thinkers across several related fields, from comparative philosophy to analytic and continental philosophy of religion and beyond. Contributing authors address pressing questions including: Where does philosophy stand in relation to religion and the study of religion in the 21st century? How ought the philosophy of religion to interact with religious studies and theology to make for fruitful interdisciplinary engagement? And what does philosophy uniquely have to offer to the broad discourse on religion in the modern world? Through exploring these questions and more, the authors' goal is not that of meeting the philosophical future, but of forging it. Readers will enter a vivid conversation through engaging essays which demonstrate the importance of disciplinary openness and show that we do not need to sacrifice depth in order to achieve breadth. Modernity and postmodernity come together in a constantly evolving discussion that moves the philosophy of religion forward, while keeping an eye toward the experience accumulated in past centuries. This book will interest students of philosophy, theology, religious studies, and other fields that wonder about the place of philosophy and religion in today's world. It also has much to offer advanced scholars in these fields, through its breadth and forward thinking.
CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide
David L. Cannon, Brian T. O''Hara, Allen Keele
- Sybex
- 23 Février 2016
- 9781119056256
The ultimate CISA prep guide, with practice exams Sybex's CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide, Fourth Edition is the newest edition of industry-leading study guide for the Certified Information System Auditor exam, fully updated to align with the latest ISACA standards and changes in IS auditing. This new edition provides complete guidance toward all content areas, tasks, and knowledge areas of the exam and is illustrated with real-world examples. All CISA terminology has been revised to reflect the most recent interpretations, including 73 definition and nomenclature changes. Each chapter summary highlights the most important topics on which you'll be tested, and review questions help you gauge your understanding of the material. You also get access to electronic flashcards, practice exams, and the Sybex test engine for comprehensively thorough preparation. For those who audit, control, monitor, and assess enterprise IT and business systems, the CISA certification signals knowledge, skills, experience, and credibility that delivers value to a business. This study guide gives you the advantage of detailed explanations from a real-world perspective, so you can go into the exam fully prepared. Discover how much you already know by beginning with an assessment test Understand all content, knowledge, and tasks covered by the CISA exam Get more in-depths explanation and demonstrations with an all-new training video Test your knowledge with the electronic test engine, flashcards, review questions, and more The CISA certification has been a globally accepted standard of achievement among information systems audit, control, and security professionals since 1978. If you're looking to acquire one of the top IS security credentials, CISA is the comprehensive study guide you need.
CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide
David L. Cannon, Allen Keele
- Sybex
- 23 Février 2016
- 9781119056409
The ultimate CISA prep guide, with practice exams Sybex's CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide, Fourth Edition is the newest edition of industry-leading study guide for the Certified Information System Auditor exam, fully updated to align with the latest ISACA standards and changes in IS auditing. This new edition provides complete guidance toward all content areas, tasks, and knowledge areas of the exam and is illustrated with real-world examples. All CISA terminology has been revised to reflect the most recent interpretations, including 73 definition and nomenclature changes. Each chapter summary highlights the most important topics on which you'll be tested, and review questions help you gauge your understanding of the material. You also get access to electronic flashcards, practice exams, and the Sybex test engine for comprehensively thorough preparation. For those who audit, control, monitor, and assess enterprise IT and business systems, the CISA certification signals knowledge, skills, experience, and credibility that delivers value to a business. This study guide gives you the advantage of detailed explanations from a real-world perspective, so you can go into the exam fully prepared. Discover how much you already know by beginning with an assessment test Understand all content, knowledge, and tasks covered by the CISA exam Get more in-depths explanation and demonstrations with an all-new training video Test your knowledge with the electronic test engine, flashcards, review questions, and more The CISA certification has been a globally accepted standard of achievement among information systems audit, control, and security professionals since 1978. If you're looking to acquire one of the top IS security credentials, CISA is the comprehensive study guide you need.
Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults
David W. Springer, Allen Rubin, Christopher G. Beevers
- Wiley
- 25 Février 2011
- 9781118015407
Praise for Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults "This outstanding book, written for clinicians, provides a fascinating examination of leading depression treatments supported by cutting-edge scientific evidence. The editors have assembled an impressive list of authors who expertly describe each intervention at a level of detail rarely seen in other books. Clinicians looking for guidance on how to implement evidence-based treatments for depression will find this book indispensable."
-Aaron T. Beck, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania President Emeritus, Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research "This is a much-needed book that can increase accessibility of empirically based treatments to practicing clinicians. The chapters are informative, readable, and peppered with clinical examples that bring the treatments to life. This book is an essential bridge to enhance dissemination of some of our most potent treatments for depression to those on the front lines of treatment delivery."
-Adele M. Hayes, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Delaware Evidence-based interventions for treating depression in adolescents and adults Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-step guidance for implementing clinical interventions that are supported by the latest scientific evidence. This thorough, yet practical volume draws on a roster of experts and researchers in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this well-rounded guide. Each chapter serves as a practitioner-focused how-to reference and covers interventions that have the best empirical support for the treatment of depression, including: Cognitive Behavior Therapy Behavioral Activation Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for Chronic Depression Easy to use and accessible in tone, Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults is indispensable for practitioners who would like to implement evidence-based, culturally competent, effective interventions in their care of clients struggling with depression. -
Psychosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia
David W. Springer, Allen Rubin, Kathi Trawver
- Wiley
- 2 Février 2011
- 9781118012222
Praise for the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series "A major stumbling block to the adoption of evidence-based practice in the real world of clinical practice has been the absence of clinician-friendly guides suitable for learning specific empirically supported treatments. Such guides need to be understandable, free of technical research jargon, infused with clinical expertise, and rich with real-life examples. Rubin and Springer have hit a home run with the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, which has all of these characteristics and more."
?Edward J. Mullen, Willma and Albert Musher Chair Professor, Columbia University State-of-the-art, empirical support for psychosocial treatment of schizophrenia Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Psychosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-step guidance for implementing clinical interventions that are supported by the latest scientific evidence. This thorough, yet practical, reference draws on a roster of experts and researchers in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this well-rounded guide. Each chapter serves as a practitioner-focused how-to reference and covers interventions that have the best empirical support for the psychosocial treatment of schizophrenia, including: Cognitive behavioral therapy Assertive community treatment Critical time intervention Motivational interviewing for medication adherence Psychoeducational family groups Illness management and recovery Easy-to-use and accessible in tone, Psychosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia is an indispensable resource for practitioners who would like to implement evidence-based, compassionate, effective interventions in the care of people with schizophrenia. -
Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children
David W. Springer, Allen Rubin
- Wiley
- 23 Juillet 2009
- 9780470551639
Praise for Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children "A major stumbling block to adoption of evidence-based practice in the real world of clinical practice has been the absence of clinician-friendly guides. Such guides need to be understandable, free of technical research jargon, infused with clinical expertise, and rich with real-life examples. Rubin and Springer have hit a home run with this series, which has all of these characteristics and more."
-Edward J. Mullen, Willma & Albert Musher Chair and Professor, Columbia University "Rubin and Springer have assembled the wisdom of leading practitioners of evidence-based practice interventions, enhancing the likelihood that these practices will be adopted by helping professionals. Written in the language of practitioners, this book represents an exemplar for dissemination of evidence-based practice information."
-Joanne Yaffe, Associate Professor, University of Utah College of Social Work Evidence-based interventions for treating traumatized adults and children Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-step guidance for implementing clinical interventions that are supported by the latest scientific evidence. Edited by renowned educators Allen Rubin and David W. Springer, this thoroughly useful reference draws on a roster of experts and researchers in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this well-rounded guide, and covers the following interventions that have the best empirical support for treating posttraumatic stress disorder: Prolonged exposure therapy Trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Easy-to-use and accessible in tone, this indispensable resource is for practitioners who would like to implement evidence-based, compassionate, and effective interventions in their care of traumatized clients. Also in the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series
Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults -
Essential Evidence
David Slawson, Allen Shaughnessy, Mark Ebell, Henry Barry
- Wiley-Interscience
- 8 Octobre 2009
- 9780470484814
This manual helps clinicians easily to find the best available evidence to facilitate sound medical decisions. It is the first published compilation of highly relevant InfoPOEMs that the editors believe has the potential to change a clinician's practice. The editors have selected over 300 of the most influential, compelling POEMs, and organized them by topic for easy reference. Each POEM contains: Clinical Question: Poses a question that the study seeks to answer. Bottom line: Summarizes the findings of the research and places these findings into the context with the known information on the topic. The bottom line also is designed to help readers understand how to apply the results. LOE: Each review is given a Level of Evidence indicator. This allows the reader to discern an overall sense of how well the new information is supported. Reference: Displays the citation of the article being reviewed. Study Design: Identifies the procedures of the study (i.e., Meta-Analysis, randomized controlled trial). Setting: Identifies the environment in which the study took place (i.e., outpatient, inpatient). Synopsis: Provides a brief overview of the study design and results, but is not an abstract. The editors have pulled out only the most important information - the materials that readers need to judge the validity of the research and to understand the results. The manual opens with two complementary, original chapters: 1) Introduction to Information Mastery which covers the skills physicians need to practice the best medicine. 2) An Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine that reviews the key concepts and principles behind this practice model.
Professional ASP.NET MVC 5
Jon Galloway, Brad Wilson, K. Scott Allen, David Matson
- Wrox
- 15 Juillet 2014
- 9781118794760
ASP.NET MVC insiders cover the latest updates to the technology in this popular Wrox reference MVC 5 is the newest update to the popular Microsoft technology that enables you to build dynamic, data-driven websites. Like previous versions, this guide shows you step-by-step techniques on using MVC to best advantage, with plenty of practical tutorials to illustrate the concepts. It covers controllers, views, and models; forms and HTML helpers; data annotation and validation; membership, authorization, and security. MVC 5, the latest version of MVC, adds sophisticated features such as single page applications, mobile optimization, and adaptive rendering A team of top Microsoft MVP experts, along with visionaries in the field, provide practical advice on basic and advanced MVC topics Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more Professional ASP.NET MVC 5 is the comprehensive resource you need to make the best use of the updated Model-View-Controller technology.
Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults
David W. Springer, Allen Rubin
- Wiley
- 21 Août 2009
- 9780470543764
State-of-the-art, empirical support for the treatmentof substance abuse Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-step guidance for implementing clinical interventions that are supported by the latest scientific evidence. Edited by renowned educators David W. Springer and Allen Rubin, this thorough yet practical reference draws on a roster of experts and researchers in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this well-rounded guide. Each chapter serves as a practitioner-focused how-to guide and covers interventions that have the best empirical support for treating substance abuse problems, including: Family behavior therapy for substance abuse and associated problems Motivational interviewing Problem solving and social skills training Adolescent community reinforcement approach (A-CRA) Cognitive behavioral coping skills therapy for adults Seeking Safety treatment for clients with PTSD and substance abuse Easy-to-use and accessible in tone, Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults is an indispensable resource for practitioners who would like to implement evidence-based, compassionate, effective interventions in their care of substance-abusing clients.
This book discusses one of the hottest topics in science today, i.e., the concern over certain problematic practices within the scientific enterprise. It raises questions and, more importantly, begins to supply answers about one particularly widespread phenomenon that sometimes impedes scientific progress: group processes. The book looks at many problematic manifestations of "going along with the crowd" that are adopted at the expense of truth. Closely related is the concept of pathological altruism or altruism bias-the tendency of scientists to bias their research in order to further the ideological or financial interests of an "in-group" at the expense of both the interest of other groups as well as the truth. The book challenges the widespread notion that science is invariably a benevolent, benign process. It defines the scientific enterprise, in practice as opposed to in theory, as a cultural system designed to produce factual knowledge. In effect, the book offers a broad and unique take on an important and incompletely explored subject: research and academic discourse that sacrifices scientific objectivity, and perhaps even the scientist's own ethical standards, in order to further the goals of a particular group of researchers or reinforce their shared belief system or their own interests, whether economic, ideological, or bureaucratic.
This book is an easily comprehensible and practicable framework for standardised histopathology reports in surgical cancer. The pathological features of the common carcinomas are detailed and non-carcinomatous malignancies are also summarised. 8th edition TNM and WHO classifications of cancers are incorporated, with comments on any associated pathology, diagnostic clues and prognostic criteria supplemented visually by line diagrams.Each chapter's introduction gives epidemiological, clinical, investigative and treatment summary details. Other pathology includes updated immunophenotypic expression and molecular techniques. The impact of these ancillary investigations on diagnosis, and as biomarkers of prognosis and prediction of response to treatment is summarised, as is the effect of adjuvant treatments on cancers. Experience based clues are given throughout as aids to tumour typing, grading, staging, and gauging prognosis and response to treatment. Histopathology Reporting: Guidelines for Surgical Cancer, Fourth Edition is invaluable for trainee and consultant diagnostic histopathologists all over the world, equipping the reader to produce high quality, clinically appropriate histopathology reports, and to participate in contemporary multidisciplinary team management of patients with surgical cancer.
Intelligent Autonomous Drones with Cognitive Deep Learning
David Allen Blubaugh, Steven D. Harbour, Benjamin Sears, Michael J. Findler
- Apress
- 31 Octobre 2022
- 9781484268032
What is an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled drone and what can it do? Are AI-enabled drones better than human-controlled drones? This book will answer these questions and more, and empower you to develop your own AI-enabled drone.
You'll progress from a list of specifications and requirements, in small and iterative steps, which will then lead to the development of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams based in part to the standards established by for the Robotic Operating System (ROS). The ROS architecture has been used to develop land-based drones. This will serve as a reference model for the software architecture of unmanned systems.
Using this approach you'll be able to develop a fully autonomous drone that incorporates object-oriented design and cognitive deep learning systems that adapts to multiple simulation environments. These multiple simulation environments will also allow you to further build public trust in the safety of artificial intelligence within drones and small UAS. Ultimately, you'll be able to build a complex system using the standards developed, and create other intelligent systems of similar complexity and capability.
Intelligent Autonomous Drones with Cognitive Deep Learning uniquely addresses both deep learning and cognitive deep learning for developing near autonomous drones.
What You'll LearnExamine the necessary specifications and requirements for AI enabled drones for near-real time and near fully autonomous dronesLook at software and hardware requirementsUnderstand unified modeling language (UML) and real-time UML for designStudy deep learning neural networks for pattern recognitionReview geo-spatial Information for the development of detailed mission planning within these hostile environments
Who This Book IsFor
Primarily for engineers, computer science graduate students, or even a skilled hobbyist. The target readers have the willingness to learn and extend the topic of intelligent autonomous drones. They should have a willingness to explore exciting engineering projects that are limited only by their imagination. As far as the technical requirements are concerned, they must have an intermediate understanding of object-oriented programming and design. -
L'ombre du doute ; la machination
David Kay, Allen Harper
- Harlequin
- Black Rose
- 1 Mars 2009
- 9782280264952
L'ombre du doute, Kay DavidAlors qu'elle a rendez-vous avec Kenneth, son mari dont elle est séparée depuis six mois, pour lui remettre les papiers de leur divorce, Anise Borden est bouleversée quand celui-ci s'effondre dans ses bras, frappé d'une balle. Un choc d'autant plus grand pour Anise que quelques minutes plus tôt, Kenneth lui a avoué avoir reçu des menaces de mort. Sachant qu'en tant qu'avocat, son mari comptait de nombreux ennemis, Anise se tourne vers Daniel Bishop, l'inspecteur en charge de l'affaire, pour qu'il trouve les coupables au plus vite. Daniel Bishop, un homme aussi arrogant que taciturne mais auquel elle s'attache peu à peu. Quelle n'est donc pas sa stupeur quand elle apprend qu'il l'a ajoutée à sa liste de suspects...+ 1 ROMAN REEDITE OFFERT : La machination, Harper AllenInnocente du crime dont on l'accuse, Julia sort de prison et ne songe qu'à une chose : revoir son enfant et reprendre une vie normale. Persuadé, pour sa part, qu'elle est coupable, Max Ross, flic modèle, n'a qu'une idée en tête : la renvoyer derrière les barreaux.