David Brown
L'art de la guerre dans le business : les leçons des plus grandes batailles du monde des affaires
David Brown
- Buchet Chastel
- 13 Octobre 2022
- 9782283034835
iPhone vs BlackBerry, McDonalds vs Ray Kroc, IBM vs UNIVAC, Netscape vs Microsoft, Bumble vs Tinder
Avant de devenir dimmenses entreprises, ces grands noms de la vie économique se sont affrontés à loccasion de conflits où tous les coups sont permis. David Brown a pris conscience que ces affrontements titanesques respectaient les règles édictées il y a plus de deux mille cinq cents ans dans le premier traité militaire connu au monde, LArt de la guerre de Sun Tzu.
En reprenant les principaux conseils de ce général de génie et en les comparant à lhistoire et aux stratégies de conquête de ces firmes florissantes, on comprend pourquoi certaines dentre elles ont triomphé alors que dautres ont disparu. Comment sengager dans la bataille, conduire la guerre, élaborer une stratégie gagnante, réfléchir à son positionnement, imposer la nouveauté, délivrer des coups bas ou gagner les curs et les esprits ?
Racontés avec des portraits extrêmement vivants des hommes et des femmes à la tête de ces entreprises innovantes et ultracréatives, les combats que mènent ces groupes pour assurer leur puissance révèlent une détermination et une imagination hors normes. -
Successful Presenting in a Week: Teach Yourself
David Brown
- Teach Yourself
- 6 Juillet 2012
- 9781444159721
The ability to give a successful presentation is crucial to anyone who wants to advance their career.
Written by David Brown, a leading expert on presenting as both a coach and a practitioner, this book quickly teaches you the insider secrets you need to know to in order to get your audience to do what you want them to do.
The highly motivational 'in a week' structure of the book provides seven straightforward chapters explaining the key points, and at the end there are optional questions to ensure you have taken it all in. There are also cartoons and diagrams throughout, to help make this book a more enjoyable and effective learning experience.
So what are you waiting for? Let this book put you on the fast track to success! -
Memoirs of an entrepreneur Ever wonder how a startup comes together-the people, places, skills, failures, and hustle that make it a real business? This is the story of David and David, two entrepreneurs with lots of energy and less of a roadmap than you might think. In 1993, David Cohen and David Brown founded their first company, Pinpoint Technologies, which grew from a basement startup to a successful multinational company with $50 million in annual sales and over 250 employees. Chronicling the story of that company from its beginnings up to 1999, when it was sold to ZOLL, and beyond, No Vision All Drive is the story of that company and the people who transformed a flat-broke, shot-in-the-dark concept into a market-leading small business. This book is not about business; it's about people David and David recount their experiences together Insight on how to build a successful startup Turn a seed idea into reality Startup founders and startup employees, venture capitalists, serial entrepreneurs, and anyone with an interest in stories of determination and hard work will love No Vision All Drive.
La tradition kénotique dans la christologie britannique
David Brown
- Mame-Desclée
- Jésus et Jésus-Christ
- 1 Juillet 2014
- 9782718908045
Est-ce impunément que Dieu a résolu de prendre véritablement chair parmi nous et de se faire vrai homme en ce monde, ou bien en a-t-il résulté quelque changement - et si oui, de quel ordre - dans sa propre nature divine, c'est-à-dire dans sa manière d'être et de rester Dieu ?C'est à cette question, capitale non seulement pour la christologie, mais encore plus largement pour la théologie, que cette fine étude de la christologie kénotique anglicane s'attelle. L'intérêt de cet ouvrage réside autant dans son exploration méthodique de ce questionnement que dans le fait qu'il fournit à son lecteur les éléments pour y trouver réponse.David Brown réinterroge l'idée reçue selon laquelle la problématique de la kénose ne reposerait que sur l'hymne de Philippiens 2 et que la solution des problèmes soulevés relèverait de la seule lecture littérale du concile de Chalcédoine. Il montre à la suite d'une enquête serrée du développement de la théologie kénotique, tout particulièrement en Angleterre et en Écosse, à quel point l'idée de kénose est opératoire pour appréhender de quel type de puissance (même divine) un vrai salut pour nous peut effectivement relever.Une collection de référence en christologie sous la direction de Monseigneur Doré.
Bitter root Tome 1 : affaire familiale
David F. Walker, Chris Brown, Sanford Greene
- HiComics
- HiComics
- 22 Janvier 2020
- 9782378871796
Nommé aux Eisner Awards 2019 "Meilleure Nouvelle Série"Les Sangerye étaient autrefois réputés pour être la plus grande famille de chasseurs de monstres de tous les temps. Leur spécialité ? Purifier les âmes infectées par la haine, qui transforme les êtres humains en démons hideux. Ce temps est révolu. Une terrible tragédie a décimé la famille, et les survivants sont désormais divisés par les blessures du passé et par leurs méthodes : sauver ou tuer ces créatures. Mais face à un nouveau type de monstre qui sévit dans les rues de Harlem, les Sangerye vont devoir s'unir et combattre, ou regarder l'humanité s'effondrer dans un mal plus profond encore...
À mi-chemin entre Ghostbusters et The Goon, Bitter Root vous invite dans une histoire qui dépasse largement la simple chasse aux monstres et qui se veut un reflet des maux qui rongent la société."J'ai adoré plonger dans le monde de Bitter Root : horreur, conjuration, et une dynastie de chasseurs de démon dans le Harlem des années 1920, tout y est !" Peter Ramsey"Bitter Root est un comics indispensable, créé avec un amour authentique par certains des meilleurs auteurs de la planète." Brian Michael Bendis"Dans la même veine que Get Out et Black Panther, Bitter Root est un récit qui sort incroyablement du lot." AIPT!"Bitter Root est le genre de comics qui me rend heureux à chaque nouveau numéro. Le mélange entre ville et campagne, surnaturel et science-fiction, ancien et contemporain est parfaitement équilibré." Reginald Hudlin -
Bitter root Tome 2 : la rage et la rédemption
David F. Walker, Chris Brown, Sanford Greene
- HiComics
- HiComics
- 24 Mars 2021
- 9782378871833
Vainqueur de l'Eisner Award 2020 de la meilleure série régulière.
Nommé au Eisner Award 2019 de la meilleure nouvelle série.
Chasser les monstres est une affaire familiale pour les Sangerye. De génération en génération, ils ont combattu les Jinoos, d'horribles créatures nées de la haine. Mais ils doivent désormais faire face à une menace bien différente : les redoutables Inzondos, un nouveau type de monstre engendré par le deuil et les traumatismes. Tandis qu'une légion d'âmes torturées s'abat sur Harlem, les Sangerye vont encore devoir se battre pour sauver le monde... avant que leur propre souffrance ne les transforme eux aussi !Récompensés par le prestigieux Eisner Award de la meilleure série régulière, David F. Walker, Chuck Brown et Sanford Greene poursuivent le combat de la famille Sangerye dans le Harlem des années 1920 à coups de scènes d'action grandioses et de métaphores limpides dont la puissance résonne aujourd'hui tout autant qu'en 1924.
« Encore une fois, Bitter Root nous offre de purs moments épiques, accompagnés par des personnages à la construction brillante, un artwork à tomber, et une histoire captivante. »« Magie Vaudou, problèmes raciaux, sexisme... Difficile de lister tous les domaines qu'explorent avec brio le duo de scénaristes David Walker et Chuck Brown, sublimés par le trait de Sanford Greene. Quand Buffy contre les vampires rencontre Get Out, avec une petite dose d'Hellboy. » Le Figaro« Bitter Root apparaît comme une série d'exception. Elle mêle avec une justesse rare action et réflexion, et porte en elle les racines d'une grande oeuvre. » -
Bitter root Tome 3 : héritage
David F. Walker, Chris Brown, Sanford Greene
- HiComics
- HiComics
- 19 Janvier 2022
- 9782378872960
Lauréat de l'Eisner Award 2020 de la meilleure série régulière.
Nommé au Eisner Award 2019 de la meilleure nouvelle série.
Nommé au Eisner Award 2021 de la meilleure série en cours.Tandis qu'un mal terrible s'abat sur le monde, la famille Sangerye réalise que cette fois, elle pourra difficilement se protéger... tout comme le reste de l'humanité. Pour réussir à vaincre ces sinistres forces qui ravagent la terre, les Sangerye devront combattre leurs propres démons, mais tous ne survivront pas... Un affrontement épique dans le Harlem de la Renaissance, qui scellera le destin d'une famille, et celui du monde entier ! Récompensés par le prestigieux Eisner Award de la meilleure série régulière, David F. Walker, Chuck Brown et Sanford Greene offrent aux Sangerye un final magistral.Dernier tome de la série. « Magie Vaudou, problèmes raciaux, sexisme... Difficile de lister tous les domaines qu'explore avec brio le duo de scénaristes David Walker et Chuck Brown, sublimés par le trait de Sanford Greene. Quand Buffy contre les vampires rencontre Get Out, avec une petite dose d'Hellboy. »
Le Figaro« Bitter Root apparaît comme une série d'exception. Elle mêle avec une justesse rare action et réflexion, et porte en elle les racines d'une grande oeuvre. »« Encore une fois, Bitter Root nous offre de purs moments épiques, accompagnés par des personnages à la construction brillante, un artwork à tomber, et une histoire captivante. » -
The oldest Baby Boomers have turned 60 so everybody's starting to talk about the "aging of the population."
But most of the talk is about numbers: what percentage of the population will be how old in what year, what it will mean for welfare rates or health-care costs, etc. But what's missing is the qualitative story. It's not there are more "older people" out there. It's that they are not the same as the older people of any previous generation.
This book will explore how the Baby Boomer generation is permanently destroying the previous meanings of: Aging, Retirement, Seniors, And even?maybe? Death.
The New Old shows how the Boomers' simple act of refusing to age is creating a revolution - in everything from education to employment to housing to health and beauty and, of course, to sex.
The book is be backed up with solid statistical support, but it is not primarily about numbers - it's about people. It's about new ground being broken, new ways of thinking, new kinds of social and work relationships, new products that can reduce or even eliminate the effects of aging. It will offer a sneak preview of an entirely new society that is coming - a society in which getting your gold watch at the age of 65 will simply mean the first half of your life is over.
The book will also lay out specific strategies organizations must follow to take advantage of the opportunities - and avoid being rendered irrelevant and uncompetitive in the new order.
From the Flight Deck
Doug Morris, David Mcgimpsey, Jake Brown
- 26 Septembre 2011
- 9781554902897
Imagine you're sitting next to a pilot on a flight and he's eager to answer all those nagging questions you have about air travel. Are those bumps and noises normal? Why are some take-offs delayed? What happens if there's a storm? How does this plane stay in the air, anyway?
In From the Flight Deck: Plane Talk and Sky Science, pilot, meteorologist, and flight-school instructor Doug Morris lets you take the window seat on a trip around the world, giving you the scoop on everything from take-off to landing. He explains what you see looking out the window, what that window is made of, and how the plane is kept in rigorous flying condition. Perfect for informing the aviation enthusiast and calming the fearful flier, From the Flight Deck tells you everything you want to know about commercial airline travel: the physics of flight, how airplanes work and what they're made of, how pilots are trained, route planning and the importance of the ground crew, turbulence, flying in storms, what the flight crew gets up to on layovers, and much more. With facts, trivia, humour, and illuminating photos throughout, From the Flight Deck is the ultimate flight companion.
Bone Marrow Diagnosis, Third Edition, is an essential resource for pathologists and haematologists who need to report bone marrow trephine biopsies. Practical and highly illustrated this edition has been comprehensively updated whilst remaining succinct and concentrating on the core information necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. The text provides comparisons of the common methods of sample collection, fixation and staining, and a clear description of how to examine a trephine section. Applying a consistent approach, the chapters cover the range of disorders of bone marrow, discussing the clinical features, histopathology of bone marrow and diagnostic problems of each condition. Each chapter closes with a summary of key points and each diagnostic entity is accompanied by high quality images, over 900 in all, showing typical and more unusual examples of histological features. This compact text, oriented at diagnosis and comprehensively accompanied by usable illustrations, is an invaluable reference tool for the trainee and practicing histopathologists, pathologists and haematologists. A practical guide aimed at allowing a busy pathologist to easily find the essential description and illustration of the most common bone marrow diseases seen in trephines Covers new treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia, B-cell lymphoma and antibody treatments High quality colour images accompany each diagnostic entity Coverage of cytology in sections relating to myeloid dysplasias and acute leukaemias Addresses lymphoma categorization and individual lymphoma entities Incorporates new WHO classifications of lymphomas and leukaemias
Musculoskeletal X-Rays for Medical Students and Trainees
Andrew Brown, David G. King
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 21 Juin 2016
- 9781118458716
Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students provides the key principles and skills needed for the assessment of normal and abnormal musculoskeletal radiographs. With a focus on concise information and clear visual presentation, it uses a unique colour overlay system to clearly present abnormalities. Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students: Presents each radiograph twice, side by side - once as would be seen in a clinical setting and again with clearly highlighted anatomy or pathology Focuses on radiographic appearances and abnormalities seen in common clinical presentations, highlighting key learning points relevant to each condition Covers introductory principles, normal anatomy and common pathologies, in addition to disease-specific sections covering adult and paediatric practice Includes self-assessment to test knowledge and presentation techniques Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students is designed for medical students, junior doctors, nurses and radiographers, and is ideal for both study and clinical reference.
David R. Brown Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK In 1982 Stanley Prusiner and colleagues puri?ed an abnormal protein from the brains of mice experimentally infected with a rare sheep dis- 1 ease called scrapie . This protein was called the prion protein. Earlier work had suggested that this diseases and others, loosely collected - gether as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), were not transmitted by conventional infectious agents. Prusiner suggested that 2 this new protein was the infectious agent in these diseases . Such a contentious suggestion lead to ferocious debate. Many researchers still maintained that there was no such thing as an infectious protein. - spite this, by 1990 most people accepted that the cause of the TSEs was the abnormal isoform of the prion protein his research group had id- ti?ed. The most convincing evidence for this had come from the work of Charles Weissmann, whose prion protein knockout mice could not be infected because they lacked expression of the protein that was now 3,4 forever linked to these disease . Since then it has become more widely accepted for these diseases to be termed prion diseases. In 1997 when 5 Stanley Prusiner won the Nobel Prize for his work on prion diseases . Even then, there was still an element of resistance in the scienti?c c- munity. It was considered that, in order the transmissible agent to truly be a protein only, the protein would have to be generated from a rec- binant source.
Population Change and Rural Society
David L. Brown, William A. Kandel
- Springer
- 12 Octobre 2006
- 9781402039027
CALVIN L. BEALE In considering how to introduce the subject of rural population change in st the 21 Century, I ?nd myself re?ecting on my own experience as a demographer for the U. S. Department of Agriculture. When I arrived at the Department, the post-World War II modernization of farming was well under way. Each year, my colleague Gladys Bowles and I had the unpopular task of announcing how much the farm population had decreased in the prior year. It was hard to say that the phenomenon was someone's fault. Dramatic reductions in labor requirements per unit of agricultural output were occurring everywhere and not just in the United States. But politically, blame had to be assigned, and whichever political party was not in the White House was certain to place the blame squarely on the current administration. The demographic consequences of this trend were major. In a 22-year period from 1941 to 1962, the net loss of farm population from migration and cessation of farming averaged over a million people per year. It took eight years after the war before an administration was willing to begin to talk about the need to diversify rural employment. By that time, farm residents had already become a minority of rural people. However, well into the 1970s, I continued to receive inquiries from people who still equated rural with farm or who could not envision what rural-nonfarm people did for a living.
This book explores the links between bushmeat and livelihoods in Africa, with a focus on the human dimension of the debate.
Assembles biological, social and economic perspectives that illuminate the bushmeat debate
Features a series of case studies that explore what species survive different intensities of bushmeat hunting and trapping
Examines the shape and size of household bushmeat consumption and market trading
Reviews governance and institutional impacts on wildlife management; lessons learned from agriculture, forest plant product, and development sectors; and perspectives from Asia and Latin America
Provides an excellent resource for students and policy makers in wildlife management, conservation, and development -
Musculoskeletal X-Rays for Medical Students and Trainees
Andrew K. Brown, David G. King
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 21 Juin 2016
- 9781118458723
Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students provides the key principles and skills needed for the assessment of normal and abnormal musculoskeletal radiographs. With a focus on concise information and clear visual presentation, it uses a unique colour overlay system to clearly present abnormalities. Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students: Presents each radiograph twice, side by side - once as would be seen in a clinical setting and again with clearly highlighted anatomy or pathology Focuses on radiographic appearances and abnormalities seen in common clinical presentations, highlighting key learning points relevant to each condition Covers introductory principles, normal anatomy and common pathologies, in addition to disease-specific sections covering adult and paediatric practice Includes self-assessment to test knowledge and presentation techniques Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students is designed for medical students, junior doctors, nurses and radiographers, and is ideal for both study and clinical reference.
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to urban design, from a historical overview and basic principles to practical design concepts and strategies. It discusses the demographic, environmental, economic, and social issues that influence the decision-making and implementation processes of urban design. The Second Edition has been fully revised to include thorough coverage of sustainability issues and to integrate new case studies into the core concepts discussed.
Learn all about the major trends and future advancements in ICT! ICT Futures provides an insightful introduction to the major technology trends in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and to the economic, commercial and societal environment which is shaping them. The experienced author-team, consisting of experts from both industry and academia, addresses: The interaction between people and technology - how ICT affects every day social practices; the rise of social computing; how the way we interact with information and the devices we use are changing; and how trust can be assured over the Internet. The underlying ICT infrastructure - the semantic web and the semantic intranet; the real-time service-oriented infrastructure; the future optical network; self-managing networks and agents; P2P technologies; pervasiveness; mobility and wireless technology; and how all this infrastructure can be made secure. ICT technology and how it is affecting industries as diverse as health, finance, retail and law. The book covers a vast wealth of material, with a strong focus upon the impending changes to the way ICT operates.This reference is a valuable tool for people in managerial roles, CIOs, CTOs, business and technology strategists, and students undertaking technology MBAs, or technology modules in general MBAs. Professionals working in ICT will also find this book valuable.
Rural People and Communities in the 21st Century
David L. Brown, Kai A. Schafft
- Polity
- 19 Décembre 2018
- 9781509529889
Rural people and communities continue to play important social, economic, and environmental roles at a time when societies are rapidly urbanizing. This unrivaled critical introduction, now in a comprehensively updated second edition, examines the causes and consequences of major social and economic transformations affecting rural populations in recent decades, explores policies developed to ameliorate problems or enhance opportunities, and highlights the resilience of rural people and communities. In an engaging, reader-friendly style, the book explores both socio-demographic and political economic aspects of rural transformation through an accessible and up-to-date blend of theory and empirical analysis, with each chapter's discussion grounded in real-life case-study materials. The new edition has been completely revised throughout, with new data and literature, and carefully updated to address emerging issues of direct relevance to rural people and places, including a whole new chapter on rural politics. Rural People and Communities in the 21st Century will continue to be the standard reading of choice for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in rural sociology, community sociology, rural and/or population geography, community development, and population studies.
Evidence-Based Cardiology Consult
David L. Brown, Kathleen Stergiopoulos
- Springer
- 1 Novembre 2013
- 9781447144410
The book will provide a detailed evidence-based approach to key issues in the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of patients with concurrent medical issues. It will provide a clinical focus with practical advice on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart disease supported by an expert's summary, without duplicating other texts. Each chapter will be structured similarly in the following sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Pathophysiology, (3) Diagnosis (4) Management (5) Key Points, (6) Summary of the key guidelines from professional societies where available. The recommendations will have a firm background in the AHA/ACC or ESC recommendations for the management of patients. The intention is to create a comprehensive book rather than a pocketbook or manual. We hope this book will serve as an up to date reference for the practicing clinician. Each of the approximately 40 chapters will have at most 5000 words and 5 -7 high quality figures or illustrations each. Only the highest quality authors will be recruited from the United States and Europe. The emphasis will be on depth of information yet ease of access. This necessitates an approach whereby not a single word, sentence or page of the book will be wasted. Brief where it needs to be brief, detailed where detail is required, this will be a true all-encompassing clinician reference.
Malpractice settlements are large for undetected hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine toxicity which, if untreated, can lead to permanent loss of central vision. Knowledge of the ocular toxicity of these drugs has increased during the past fifty years as their use has expanded. Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Retinopathy is the first single-source book on the subject and is essential for the practicing ophthalmologists, rheumatologists, dermatologists, and internists who prescribe these drugs. It covers clinical topics such as signs and symptoms of toxicity, toxicity screening, ancillary testing, to whom and why the drugs are prescribed and dosing considerations. Additionally, the book addresses practice management considerations, including coding, reimbursement and equipment costs, and the medico-legal responsibilities of the rheumatologist and of the ophthalmologist. Guidelines for the management of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine vary around the world and differences between the guidelines of the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries are identified. The book concludes with a collection of case examples illustrating common clinical scenarios and their management. This book is a "must-have" resource for physicians who use these drugs.
This text presents the range of clinical problems encountered by ophthalmologists in managing patients with diabetic retinopathy and provides an evidence-based approach to solving these problems. The unique features of the book include exposition with the perspective of evidence-based medicine. Exposition is grounded with clinical examples, and questions and discussions follow chapters to encourage thinking about problematic situations and areas of controversy. It also incorporates a wealth of information from the Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research network. The increasing frequency of diabetic patients in ophthalmic practice makes this a timely and practical reference for ophthalmologists and retina specialists.
General Reports of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law/Rapports Généraux du XVIIIème Congrès de l'Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé
Karen B. Brown, David V. Snyder
- Springer
- 29 Décembre 2011
- 9789400723542
This title presents twenty-nine topics, prepared by leading scholars in more than 20 countries, providing a comparative analysis of cutting-edge legal topics of the 21st century. Considering topics of vital moment to contemporary legal scholars, the title includes pieces on Surrogate Motherhood, The Balance of Copyright in Comparative Perspective, International Law in Domestic Systems, Constitutional Courts as "Positive Legislators," Same-sex Marriage, Climate Change and the Law, The Regulation of Private Equity, Hedge Funds, and State Funds, and Regulation of Corporate Tax Evasion. Each chapter surveys legal developments in the U.S. and Canada, Europe, Asia, Latin and South America, Africa, and the Middle East in a format that permits the reader easy access to similarities and differences in the approaches of the selected national regimes. This comprehensive volume tells the story of parallel trends in the evolution of legal doctrine despite jurisdictional, cultural, and political barriers. While each of the covered countries stands alone as a sovereign, in a technologically advanced world their disparate systems nonetheless have converged to adopt comparable strategies in dealing with complex legal issues. The volume is a critical addition to the library of any scholar hoping to keep abreast of the major trends in contemporary law.
After diabetic retinopathy, the varieties of retinal vein occlusion constitute the most prevalent category of retinal vascular disease. For macular edema associated with central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), no effective therapy existed until 2009, despite decades of research and failed pilot therapies. This comprehensive, illustrated text integrates recent advances in treatments with the parallel progress in understanding of disease mechanisms. Complete with case studies, this text is perfect for retina specialists, ophthalmologists, optometrists, and residents and fellows in these fields.
Assumptions of the Tea Party Movement
David Warfield Brown
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 20 Juillet 2016
- 9781137521170
This book presents a reassessment of the fundamental principles of the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party movement is largely associated with those who want a severely limited federal government spending far fewer taxpayer dollars. What gets less attention are the underlying Tea Party sentiments that, the book argues, are not so much false as they are terribly dated in light of the current national landscape. Such sentiments include prioritizing self-reliance, viewing politics as a "dirty business," considering "free enterprise" unassailable, and believing the earth to be man's possession. Brown skillfully and thoughtfully breaks from partisan considerations to get at the root of the movement, arguing that too many Tea Partiers are living in a world of their own, which, given so many pressing problems in the world, amounts to what Brown calls "sentimental mischief."