Michael Jacobs
15 produits trouvés
Das Buch vermittelt Arbeitnehmern und Führungskräften einen theoretisch fundierten und praxisnahen Überblick, wie die Digitalisierung die Arbeitswelt aktuell verändert und zukünftig langfristig strukturell beeinflussen wird. Nach einer Einleitung zum Arbeitsbegriff, zur Geschichte der Arbeit und zu mglichen Zukunftsszenarien geht der Autor auf die Arbeitsumwelt ein und erläutert die technischen Grundlagen der Digitalisierung wie Künstliche Intelligenz, Big Data und Metaversum und darauf aufbauend deren gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen. Ergänzend dazu werden auch nicht digitale Veränderungen wie Nachhaltigkeit und Diversität thematisiert, die mit den technischen Veränderungen eng vernetzt sind. Anschließend wird die digitale Arbeitswelt der wichtigsten Branchen näher beleuchtet und neben den klassischen Wirtschaftszweigen (Produktionswirtschaft, Handel und Dienstleistungen) widmet sich der Autor zudem der Plattformkonomie. Abschließend beschreibt der Autor die Ängste derMitarbeitenden, die durch die veränderte Arbeitswelt entstehen, sowie die daraus bedingten Herausforderungen für das Management.
Das Buch hilft Praktikern, Vorbehalte und Unsicherheiten gegenüber der Digitalisierung abzubauen und gibt wertvolle Anregungen für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung der neuen Arbeitswelt. -
Die Themen Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit dominieren die Zukunft von Unternehmen und unserer Gesellschaft in den nächsten Jahrzehnten. Wenn Unternehmen die Digitalisierung aktiv umsetzen, müssen sie folglich konomische, kologische und soziale Aspekte im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit berücksichtigen. Genau hier setzt Michael Jacob an: Der Autor geht im ersten Teil des Buches auf die Grundlagen der Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit anhand der wichtigsten Modelle ein. Im zweiten Teil wird der Fokus auf die Frage gelegt, wie Unternehmen den Digitalisierungsprozess nachhaltig gestalten knnen. Ein kurzes Fazit rundet die beiden Hauptteile ab.Damit ist das Buch ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel, um Zielkonflikte zwischen den Bereichen Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit zunächst zu erkennen und dann entsprechend entscheiden zu knnen. Somit knnen Unternehmen ihrer gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung (Corporate Social Responsibility) nachkommen. Ein Buch für alle, die eine kompakte Einführung in die beiden großen Themen unserer Zeit suchen.
Dieses essential gibt einen Überblick über die Werkzeuge des digitalen Kundenmanagements. Durch die steigende Nutzung neuer Medien hat sich auch das Kundenmanagement verändert. Kunden wollen alle Informationen schnell, einfach und insbesondere an jedem Ort vorfinden. Unternehmen stehen dabei vor der Herausforderung, dies zum einen technisch umzusetzen und zum anderen der Erwartungshaltung der Kunden mit neuen Entwicklungen nachzukommen. Welchen Stellenwert der Konsument einnimmt und welche unternehmerischen Handlungen relevant werden, sind Aspekte, die in diesem Band thematisiert werden. Der Fokus liegt in der Veranschaulichung des Wandels der Kundenstellung bedingt durch die Weiterentwicklung der digitalen Umwelt.
Dieses Buch verbindet anschaulich zahlreiche Aspekte des klassischen Marketings mit den modernen Online-Instrumenten und erläutert die Erfolgskomponenten. Denn: Online-Marketing und E-Commerce spielen für fast alle Unternehmen zukünftig eine dominierende Rolle. Wie hängen diese Begriffe zusammen, was wollen Kunden und wie muss eine optimale Integration mit dem allgemeinen Marketing und dem stationären Vertrieb erfolgen? Diese und andere Fragen behandelt der Autor zunächst aus einer strategischen Perspektive und stellt die aktuellen und zukünftigen Rahmenbedingungen dar. Die sich anschließenden taktischen Überlegungen verknüpfen gängige Marketing-Konzepte mit aktuellen Online-Instrumenten. Letztere werden im dritten Hauptteil aus einer Implementierungssicht betrachtet und praxisnah beschrieben.
Praise for the First Edition:
`This is the Second Edition of a book first published in 1992 as part of the Key Figures in Counselling and Psychotherapy series edited by Windy Dryden. It has proved a successful introduction to the life and work of Sigmund Freud: in this present edition Michael Jacobs takes the opportunity of the new translation of Freud now appearing to offer more suggestions about reading, particularly the papers of technique available through Virago's 2001 publication of the Standard Edition' - The Journal of Analytical Psychology
In refreshing contrast to most other books on Sigmund Freud, this is a highly accessible account of his life and ideas, which focuses on the relevance of Freud's work for contemporary approaches to counselling and psychotherapy.
The book provides an overview which is based firmly on Freud's own writings, but which goes far beyond a recapitulation of the existing literature, to offer fresh insights and some surprises, both about Freud the man and his theories. Written by bestselling author, Michael Jacobs and now fully updated for its Second Edition, Sigmund Freud presents and responds to the criticisms that Freud's work attracted, and charts his continuing influence in the 21st century.
This is highly recommended reading for those training in counselling and psychotherapy as well as those studying Freud in other contexts.
Michael Jacobs is a retired lecturer in Counselling Studies and bestselling author whose publications include (in the same series), D W Winicott (SAGE, 1995) and Psychodynamic Counselling in Action, Second Edition (SAGE, 1999). -
`The importance of Michael Jacobs' book lies in his attempt to convey... Winnicott's profound influence.... Jacobs rightly delights in the creativity and imagination of his subject and illustrates these with numerous quotations and descriptions from Winnicott's writings.... What is conveyed throughout the book is the essence of Winnicott.... [whose] gift was to make psychoanalytic language, methods and concepts more widely available, accepted and appreciated to a nonpsychoanalytic world' - British Psychological Society Counselling Psychology Review
One of the best-known British psychoanalysts, D W Winnicott attracts the interest of counsellors and psychotherapists far beyond the strict psychoanalytic tradition in which he was trained. He coined many phrases that have entered the discourse of therapy, such as `good enough mother', `transitional object' and `facilitating environment'. Winnicott has had a profound impact on research into the mother-baby relationship, and his unorthodox manner and sparkling writing style have attracted enthusiastic acclaim.
In this book, Michael Jacobs summarizes Winnicott's life and explains his major theoretical concepts. He also rigorously evaluates his practice as a clinician - for example, the holding and management of deeply regressed patients. While highlighting Winnicott's brilliance and creativity, Jacobs is not afraid to scrutinize his contributions more critically. He also discusses criticisms others have made of Winnicott, notably within the psychoanalytic movement. The final chapter assesses the influence of Winnicott's thinking in other countries as well as in Britain. -
Rethinking Capitalism
Michael Jacobs, Mariana Mazzucato
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 21 Juillet 2016
- 9781119311638
"Thought provoking and fresh - this book challenges how we think about economics."
Gillian Tett, Financial Times For further information about recent publicity events and media coverage for Rethinking Capitalism please visit Western capitalism is in crisis. For decades investment has been falling, living standards have stagnated or declined, and inequality has risen dramatically. Economic policy has neither reformed the financial system nor restored stable growth. Climate change meanwhile poses increasing risks to future prosperity. In this book some of the world's leading economists propose new ways of thinking about capitalism. In clear and compelling prose, each chapter shows how today's deep economic problems reflect the inadequacies of orthodox economic theory and the failure of policies informed by it. The chapters examine a range of contemporary economic issues, including fiscal and monetary policy, financial markets and business behaviour, inequality and privatisation, and innovation and environmental change. The authors set out alternative economic approaches which better explain how capitalism works, why it often doesn't, and how it can be made more innovative, inclusive and sustainable. Outlining a series of far-reaching policy reforms, Rethinking Capitalism offers a powerful challenge to mainstream economic debate, and new ideas to transform it. -
Text Mining: Applications and Theory presents the state-of-the-art algorithms for text mining from both the academic and industrial perspectives. The contributors span several countries and scientific domains: universities, industrial corporations, and government laboratories, and demonstrate the use of techniques from machine learning, knowledge discovery, natural language processing and information retrieval to design computational models for automated text analysis and mining. This volume demonstrates how advancements in the fields of applied mathematics, computer science, machine learning, and natural language processing can collectively capture, classify, and interpret words and their contexts. As suggested in the preface, text mining is needed when "words are not enough." This book: Provides state-of-the-art algorithms and techniques for critical tasks in text mining applications, such as clustering, classification, anomaly and trend detection, and stream analysis. Presents a survey of text visualization techniques and looks at the multilingual text classification problem. Discusses the issue of cybercrime associated with chatrooms. Features advances in visual analytics and machine learning along with illustrative examples. Is accompanied by a supporting website featuring datasets. Applied mathematicians, statisticians, practitioners and students in computer science, bioinformatics and engineering will find this book extremely useful.
Supervision is a prerequisite for all counsellors, and for most psychotherapists, yet until recently it has been assumed that any experienced counsellor or therapist could become a supervisor without any special expertise. But the experience of those in supervision is sometimes of inadequate or even unhelpful work by their supervisors. At the same time supervision is receiving considerable attention as a discipline in its own right, with an expanding literature on the dynamics of the supervisory couple (or the supervisory triad, since the client is a central if absent presence); more attention is also being paid to the technical skills required of the supervisor. This book addresses those issues both from the perspective of the supervisee and the supervisor, suggesting what supervisees might expect from good supervision, as well as offering guidance to supervisors on how best to use to the full the opportunities offered by a therapeutic situation which has some similarities, but also some radical differences from counselling and therapy itself.
Simple, Powerful Strategies for Student Centered Learning
George Martin Jacobs, Willy Ardian Renandya, Michael Power
- Springer
- 29 Mars 2016
- 9783319257129
This book reminds us teachers about all the little things we can do to be more student-centric. It shows teachers how to "walk the walk," and shows teacher educators how to guide colleagues along a student-centered path. The book examines why we should and how we can promote student-student interaction to enable students to learn more and enjoy the process. It also offers simple but effective strategies for enhancing student motivation, a factor that many experts consider to be the most important determinant of success in educational endeavors. In addition, it examines diversity, particularly the many differences that exist among students, and explains simple, easy strategies for how this diversity can be not only taken into consideration, but actively celebrated.
Intraprocedural Imaging of Cardiovascular Interventions
Michael H. Picard, Jonathan J. Passeri, Jacob P. Dal-Bianco
- Springer
- 2 Mai 2016
- 9783319294285
T?his book teaches the key knowledge required for the use of ultrasound to guide many catheter based cardiac therapies. While live CME courses are now covering this material there are very few textbooks on this topic. A unique aspect of
this book is that it has many images to illustrate the teaching points. The use of minimally invasive treatments of
many cardiac diseases especially by catheter based therapies and devices is a
rapidly expanding discipline in cardiology and radiology. Cardiac ultrasound particularly
echocardiography is utilized extensively to guide these therapies. Many echocardiographers are being called upon
to guide these therapies but they have not been trained in this unique use of
echocardiography. -
Le voyageur d'art en Grande-Bretagne et Irlande
Michael Jacobs, Paul Stirton
- Arthaud (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Le voyageur d'art
- 23 Janvier 2019
- 9782403042641
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
Le voyageur d'art en France
Michael Jacobs, Paul Stirton
- Arthaud (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Le voyageur d'art
- 23 Janvier 2019
- 9782403042665
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
Unexpected Challenges in Vascular Surgery
Michael Jacobs, Alain Branchereau
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Avril 2008
- 9780470760048
Despite accurate preoperative assessment and adequate preparation, unexpected, and sometimes disastrous, situations can occur during vascular and endovascular procedures.
This latest book in the European Vascular Course series provides vascular and endovascular surgeons with the skills and techniques needed to solve these unforeseen intraoperative complications.
It includes thirteen chapters on aortic neck problems during open and endovascular repair, ruptured clamp sites, ureteral lesions, unintentional covering of side branches, totally calcified aorta and embolization. Accidental conditions during carotid and lower limb revascularization are also covered in six chapters and additional challenges are described in another seven chapters. -
There is a plethora of literature on the topic of penetration testing, hacking, and related fields. These books are almost exclusively concerned with the technical execution of penetration testing and occasionally the thought process of the penetration tester themselves. There is little to no literature on the unique challenges presented by creating, developing, and managing a penetration testing team that is both effective and scalable. In addition, there is little to no literature on the subject of developing contractual client relationships, marketing, finding and developing talent, and how to drive penetration test execution to achieve client needs. This book changes all that.The Business of Hacking is a one-of-a-kind book detailing the lessons the authors learned while building penetrating testing teams from the ground up, making them profitable, and constructing management principles that ensure team scalability. You will discover both the challenges you face as you develop your team of offensive security professionals and an understanding of how to overcome them. You will gain an understanding of the client's requirements, how to meet them, and how to surpass them to provide clients with a uniquely professional experience.
The authors have spent combined decades working in various aspects of cybersecurity with a focus on offensive cybersecurity. Their experience spans military, government, and commercial industries with most of that time spent in senior leadership positions.
What you'll learn
How to handle and ongoing develop client relationships in a high end industryTeam management and how the offensive security industry comes with its own unique challenges. Experience in other industries does not guarantee success in penetration testing.How to identify, understand, and over-deliver on client expectations.How to staff and develop talent within the team.Marketing opportunities and how to use the pentesting team as a wedge for upsell opportunities.The various structures of services available that they may present to their clients.
Who This Book Is For
This book is written for anyone curious who is interested in creating a penetration testing team or business. It is also relevant for anyone currently executing such a business and even for those simply participating in the business.