Patricia Martin
12 produits trouvés
Dune, le roman graphique Tome 1
Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, Raul Allen, Patricia Martin
- Huginn et Muninn
- 15 Janvier 2021
- 9782364808232
Dune, le chef-d'oeuvre épique de science-fiction de Frank Herbert se
déroulant dans un avenir lointain au milieu d'une société
interstellaire féodale tentaculaire, raconte l'histoire de Paul
Atréides alors que lui et sa famille acceptent le contrôle de la
planète désertique Arrakis... Un mélange étonnant d'aventure et de
mysticisme, d'environnementalisme, et de politique, Dune est une
histoire puissante et fantastique qui jette un regard sans précédent
sur notre univers et est ici transfigurée par son adaptation en roman
graphique. Brian Herbert et Kevin J. Anderson ont conservé
l'intégrité du roman original, et Raúl Allén et Patricia Martín ont
réalisé de splendides illustrations. Le tout est magnifié par les
couvertures de Bill Sienkiewicz. Découvrez ou redécouvrez cette saga
incontournable ! -
Dune, le roman graphique Tome 2
Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, Raul Allen, Patricia Martin
- Huginn et Muninn
- 16 Septembre 2022
- 9791040216438
Le jeune Paul Atréides et sa mère, dame Jessica, se retrouvent
bloqués dans le désert profond d'Arrakis. Après avoir subi la
terrible trahison d'un des leurs, la maison Atréides est détruite par
leurs plus grands ennemis, les Harkonnen. Paul et Jessica doivent
trouver le peuple mystérieux des Fremens, ou périr... Publiée à
l'origine en 1965 et à présent fidèlement adaptée en roman graphique,
par le fils même de l'auteur, BRIAN HERBERT, et KEVIN J. ANDERSON,
cette saga explore les complexes relations entre religion, écologie,
technologie et émotions humaines alors que les clans s'affrontent
pour le contrôle d'Arrakis. Cet étonnant mélange d'aventure, de
mysticisme, d'environnementalisme et de politique, est maintenant
retranscrit comme jamais grâce aux dessins de RAÚL ALLÉN et de
PATRICIA MARTÍN, donnant une nouvelle incarnation à ce puissant conte
fantastique et l'offrant à découvrir ou à redécouvrir à de nouvelles
génération de lecteurs. Une série en 3 tomes. -
Digging into Software Knowledge Generation in Cultural Heritage
Patricia Martin-Rodilla
- Springer
- 14 Octobre 2017
- 9783319691886
This book focuses on innovative strategies to manage and build software systems for generating new knowledge from large archaeological data setsThe book also reports on two case studies carried out in real-world scenarios within the Cultural Heritage setting. The book presents an original conceptual framework for developing software solutions to assist the knowledge generation process in connection with large archaeological data sets and related cultural heritage information- a context in which the inputs are mainly textual sources written in freestyle, i.e. without a predetermined, standard structure.Following an in-depth exploration of recent works on the knowledge generation process in the above-mentioned context and IT-based options for facilitating it, the book proposes specific new techniques capable of capturing the structure and semantics implicit in such textual sources, and argues for using this information in the knowledge generation process. The main result is the development of a conceptual framework that can accommodate textual sources and integrate the information included in them into a software engineering framework. The said framework is meant to assist cultural heritage professionals in general, and archaeologists in particular, in both knowledge extraction and the subsequent decision-making process.
Gondwana Industrial Clays
Patricia Eugenia Zalba, Martin Eduardo Morosi, Maria Susana Conconi
- Springer
- 30 Août 2016
- 9783319394572
This book is a study of the sedimentary and residual deposits of the Tandilia System, also known as the Sierras Septentrionales of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Offering an overview of the geology, stratigraphy, petrology, mineralogy and industrial applications of these deposits, it is organized geographically and according to the different districts of the province's diverse counties where economically important Neoproterozoic and Eopaleozoic clay reserves occur.Today, most of the sediments of the Tandilia basin are found in South Africa due to the breakup of the continents, which began in the Jurassic. This partly accounts for the difficulty in interpreting the geology of Tandilia. Apart from its extreme age and almost complete lack of fossil remains, for a long time the tectonics that affected the whole area presented a real challenge, as horst and graben structures added to the difficulty of geological correlations. Despite being 700 Ma old, most of the physical-chemical properties of the sediments have remained unchanged. The Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures (MISS) found in the tidal and peritidal deposits also hold untouched information on the mystery of the beginning of life on earth. The fact that the Buenos Aires province is the country's first non-metallic productive center together with the high quality of its clay deposits, its easy access from main routes and proximity to large consumer centers have made these materials highly important in the province's construction industry.
Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization
Emma Jeanes, David Knights, Patricia Yancey Martin
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 16 Avril 2012
- 9781119990796
This work of reference represents a remarkably complete, detailed and extensive review of the field of gender, work and organization in the second decade of the 21st century. Its authors represent eight countries and many disciplines including management, sociology, political science, and gender studies. The chapters, by top scholars in their areas of expertise, offer both reviews and empirical findings, and insights and challenges for further work. The chapters are organized in five sections: Histories and Philosophies; Organizing Work and the Gendered Organization; Embodiment; Globalization; and Diversity. Theoretical and conceptual developments at the cutting edge of the field are explicated and illustrated by the handbook's authors. Methods for conducting research into gender, work and organization are reviewed and assessed as well as illustrated in the work of several chapters. Efforts to produce greater gender equality in the workplace are covered in nearly every chapter, in terms of past successes and failures. Military organizations are presented as one of the difficult to change in regards to gender (with the result that women are marginalized in practice even when official policies and goals require their full inclusion). The role of the body/embodiment is emphasized in several chapters, with attention both to how organizations discipline bodies and how organizational members use their bodies to gain advantage. Particular attention is paid to sexuality in/and organizations, including sexual harassment, policies to alleviate bias, and the likelihood that future work will pay more attention to the body's presence and role in work and organizations. Many chapters also address "change efforts" that have been employed by individuals, groups, and organizations, including transnational ones such as the European Union, the United Nations, and so on. In addition to its value for teachers and students within this field, it also offers insights that would be of value to policy makers and practitioners who need to reflect on the latest thinking relating to gender at work and in organizations.
Building Trust and Constructive Conflict Management in Organizations
Martin Euwema, Lourdes Munduate, Patricia Elgoibar
- Springer
- 24 Juin 2016
- 9783319314754
This book presents the most recent theoretical insights and practical intervention methods to (re)build trust between management and organized employees in organizations. Offering a multidisciplinary perspective on trust and conflict management in organizations, the book draws from diverse fields such as organizational psychology, business, law, industrial relations and sociology. It examines the often encountered breaches of trust between management and organized workers, and the resulting destructive social conflicts, social actions, strikes or dramatic business decisions. Its focus is on trust and conflict management at the organizational level in an industrial relations context: that of employee representatives and management. The book introduces a new theoretical approach: the Tree of Trust, designed to analyse and mediate the interconnected levels of trust and distrust in industrial relations. It presents case studies and practical recommendations to build trust and constructive conflict management in the organizations, and illustrates these by means of experiences from different countries around the globe.
Études françaises. Volume 33, numéro 3, hiver 1997
Pierre Nepveu, François Ricard, Gilles Marcotte, Patricia Smart, Micheline Cambron, Lori Saint-martin, Sylvie Lamar
- Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal
- 13 Août 2020
- 9782760633469
Au cours de l'année 1945, à quelques mois d'intervalle, paraissaient à Montréal deux romans qui devaient marquer profondément la littérature québécoise et canadienne : Le Survenant de Germaine Guèvremont et Bonheur d'occasion de Gabrielle Roy. Or la critique a surtout insisté jusqu'ici sur l'opposition sur laquelle se fondent ces deux oeuvres, l'une orientée vers la liquidation d'un monde ancien, l'autre annonciatrice d'un monde nouveau. Plus de cinquante ans après leur première publication, il s'agit d'aborder les deux romans de concert, comme parties d'un territoire esthétique qui leur est commun et qui les fait « dialoguer » l'un avec l'autre, s'éclairer mutuellement et éclairer ensemble ce territoire auquel ils appartiennent.
Conservation Genetics of New World Crocodilians
Rodrigo Barban Zucoloto, Patricia Susana Amavet, Luciano Martins Verdade, Izeni Pires Farias
- Springer
- 9 Novembre 2020
- 9783030563837
This book aims to be a comprehensive review of the literature on the conservation genetics of the New World crocodilians, from the biological and demographical aspects of the living species to the application of molecular techniques for conservation purposes. It covers the current status of the molecular genetics applied to phylogenetics, phylogeography, diversity, kinship and mating system, and hybridization, as well its implications for decision making with regards to the conservation of these species at academic and governmental levels. This book can be used as a guide for graduate and undergraduate students to understand how conservation genetics techniques are carried out and how they can help preserve not only crocodilians but also other living species.
Prehistoric Herders and Farmers
Ethel Allue, Patricia Martin, Josep Maria Verges
- Springer
- 20 Octobre 2022
- 9783031122781
This book presents an interdisciplinary study of the El Mirador cave located on the Atapuerca karstic system, one of the longest Pleistocene and Holocene archaeopaleontological deposits in Iberia. This book presents the results including new unpublished and published data to discuss different aspects related to the prehistoric herders and farmers that occupied this territory. Divided into four parts, the book covers site presentation and the paleoenvironmental reconstruction covering a chronological span between 7060 ± 40-3040 ± 40 yrs. The history of the excavation and the excavation methodology is detailed in this part including new unpublished recording techniques using 3D scanning and photogrammetry and a very meticulous sampling strategy. The book presents formation processes of the deposit which are key to understanding the successive occupations of the caves regarding its use as sheepfold cave as well as human remains that are part ofdifferent funerary contexts in the cave. In the last section, the book covers material culture found in the cave including lithic tools and pottery. This interdisciplinary work is of interest to scholars in anthracology, zooarchaeology, paleoanthropology, lithic technology, and experimental archaeology.
Jeu. No. 187, 2023
Patricia Belzil, Olivier Arteau, Elise Fiola, Josianne Desloges, Alain-Martin Richard, Julie Veillet, Ludovic Fouquet
- Cahiers de théâtre Jeu inc.
- 3 Octobre 2023
- 9782924356647
Le dossier « Québec : scènes capitales » du numéro 187 de la revue JEU propose une immersion dans le foisonnant univers créatif de la ville de Québec. Ce dossier se veut un état des lieux, non exhaustif, de l'activité théâtrale et des arts du spectacle vivant, un milieu où la jeunesse prédomine.
Ce numéro porte notamment sur l'identité et les questions de genre vues par les jeunes créateurs et créatrices, dont Olivier Arteau, directeur artistique du Théâtre du Trident, qui apparaît en une de ce numéro.
À lire aussi sous nos rubriques régulières, un « Pleins feux » consacré à l'ambitieuse création de Rome d'après Shakespeare, cinq oeuvres présentées récemment à l'Usine C mises en scène par l'incomparable Brigitte Haentjens et réécrites par son complice des premières heures, Jean Marc Dalpé. Raymond Bertin a eu la chance de suivre les étapes de cette entreprise colossale et fait un retour sur cette expérience unique. -
Discourse and Argumentation in Archaeology: Conceptual and Computational Approaches
Patricia Martin-Rodilla, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez, Martin Pereira-Farina
- Springer
- 3 Novembre 2023
- 9783031371561
This book covers the topic of discourse and argumentation in archaeology with an aim to serve the archaeology community. The book presents discourse and argument analysis approaches and techniques in an affordable manner and applied to archaeological situations. It focuses on techniques and approaches that can be applicable to multiple situations, periods and cultures.
The book begins with an introduction to discourse and argumentation analysis as a general field and also as an auxiliary technique to archaeology. The work includes conceptual applications, ranging from causality, ontological connections, vagueness, social production of discourse and public debates. The work also devotes a section to computational approaches and describes the specifics of some well-known families of algorithms such as lexical processing, information extraction or sentiment analysis. The conclusion comments on the future and which reflects on the previous chapters and discusses how the presented techniques and approaches should be adapted or improved for easier and more powerful application to archaeology. Contributing authors bring perspectives from archaeology, linguistics, and computer science. -
Ce roman, superbement composé, subtile variation autour des thèmes éternels de l'amour et de la mort, entraîne le lecteur aux confins de la conscience de deux êtres meurtris, unis dans une même solitude, réfugiés au creux d'un journal intime qui épouse les méandres d'une blessure aussi secrète qu'indicible.