- Palgrave Macmillan (6)
- Springer (6)
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers (2)
- Wiley-Blackwell (2)
- American Geophysical Union (1)
- CNRS Editions (1)
- Editions Edilivre (1)
- Editions L'Harmattan (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Albin Michel) (1)
- JC Lattès (1)
- Jossey-Bass (1)
- Librinova (1)
- Palgrave Pivot (1)
- Panini (1)
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1)
- Plon (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- Presses Universitaires du Septentrion (1)
- Presses universitaires de Rennes (1)
- Springer Gabler (1)
- Wiley (1)
- Wiley-IEEE Press (1)
Paul Thomas
33 produits trouvés
Depuis l'antiquité la plus reculée jusqu'à la période contemporaine, des hommes ont vu - ou cru voir - des machines flamboyantes de forme circulaire ou tubulaire parcourir le ciel. Hallucination collective ? Mais en plein XXe siècle, les objets en question viennent impressionner les écrans des appareils radars... Paul Thomas - sous ce pseudonyme se cache une personnalité parisienne particulièrement connue - a su renoncer à toute incrédulité routinière. Avec méthode, et non sans parfois une subtile pointe d'humour, il entreprend l'examen objectif de cet important dossier. Comment ne pas être bientôt frappé par l'impression de cohérence qui s'en dégage ? L'idée même d'une « surveillance » platonique exercée par des êtres venus de l'espace cède le pas à des présomptions beaucoup plus troublantes concernant l'intervention active de nos visiteurs : n'ont-ils pas fréquemment modifié le cours de l'Histoire et bouleversé, au moyen d'apparitions spectaculaires, nos institutions morales et religieuses ? Telle la fameuse découverte de Galilée, il se pourrait bien que ce livre remette en cause nos habitudes intellectuelles les plus confortables.
Youth, Multiculturalism and Community Cohesion
Paul Thomas
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 8 Mars 2011
- 9780230302242
This book discusses the meaning and practice of British community cohesion policies, youth identities in racially-tense areas and the British government's attempts to 'prevent violent extremism' amongst young Muslims.
David est psychiatre avec une vie presque bien rangée.
Une femme un peu dépressive, deux enfants, une maîtresse, tout va bien...
Un collègue l'appelle pour une urgence : un enfant différent, intrigant...
Louis va bousculer les dogmes et certitudes de David jusqu'à changer ses propres perceptions pour l'emmener vers une nouvelle vision du monde et de l'univers. -
Spider-Man vs Morbius
Todd Mcfarlane, Roy Thomas, Gil Kane, Paul Jenkins
- Panini
- 30 Mars 2022
- 9791039108362
Morbius apparaît pour la première fois en 1971, dans les pages d'Amazing Spider-Man 101. Ce volume présente notamment ce récit mythique qui fait partie de la saga de Spider-Man avec six bras. Retrouvez également l'aventure dans laquelle, vingt ans après sa création, Morbius devient le protecteur des créatures qui peuplent les égouts de New York. Cet ouvrage présente certains des plus célèbres affrontements entre le Tisseur et le Vampire Vivant, sous la plume et les crayons de Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, Todd McFarlane, Paul Jenkins, Gil Kane et Paolo Rivera. [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) 100 À 102, SPIDER-MAN (1990) 13 ET 14 AINSI QUE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN (2003) 14.]
Cessez-le-feu, cesser les combats ? de l'époque moderne à nos jours
Claire Miot, Thomas Vaisset, Paul Vo-Ha
- Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
- 13 Octobre 2022
- 9782757437483
Loin d'être réductible à une somme de violences illimitées, la guerre est aussi une relation, certes brutale entre belligérants. Le moment où les armes se taisent en témoigne. Le temps de la sortie du combat est caractérisé par des interactions entre adversaires. Vainqueurs et vaincus accomplissent des gestes, des rites de reddition par le truchement de médiateurs, d'émissaires, voire d'otages. Ils échangent promesses, serments et autres engagements toujours susceptibles d'être transgressés tant l'instant est fragile. Autant d'éléments qui constituent un ordinaire du champ de bataille et suggèrent que le combat est aussi une pratique transactionnelle. Cet ouvrage qui interroge la longue durée dans une perspective d'anthropologie historique propose d'inscrire la fin des hostilités au coeur même de l'expérience combattante. La manière dont cessent les combats dit la guerre qui est pensée et menée.
Cocaïne andine ; l'invention d'une drogue globale
Paul Gootenberg, Thomas Van ruymbeke
- Presses universitaires de Rennes
- 9 Janvier 2014
- 9782753536364
Dans cette étude novatrice et solidement documentée, Paul Gootenberg retrace l'essor irrésistible de l'un des produits d'exportation les plus fascinants - et désormais illégal - de l'Amérique latine : la cocaïne, ainsi que celui de la plante andine dont elle dérive, la coca. Chapitre méconnu mais emblématique de la globalisation, cette lecture est indispensable pour comprendre l'épidémie de cocaïne des années 1980 et l'interminable guerre contre la drogue que continuent à mener les états-Unis dans les Andes.
En coédition avec Les Perséides.
Avec le soutien de l'Institut des Amériques. -
The Wiley Handbook of Anxiety Disorders
Thomas Ehring, Paul Emmelkamp
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 31 Mars 2014
- 9781118775325
This state-of-the-art Handbook on the research and treatment of anxiety and related disorders is the most internationally and clinically oriented Handbook currently available, encompassing a broad network of researchers, from leading experts in the field to rising stars. The very first handbook to cover anxiety disorders according to the new DSM-5 criteria Published in two volumes, the International Handbook provides the most wide-ranging treatment of the state-of-the-art research in the anxiety disorders Offers a truly international aspect, including authors from different continents and covering issues of relevance to non-Western countries Includes discussion of the latest treatments, including work on persistence of compulsions, virtual reality exposure therapy, cognitive bias modification, cognitive enhancers, and imagery rescripting Covers treatment failures, transdiagnostic approaches, and includes treatment issues for children as well as the older population Edited by leaders in the field, responsible for some of the most important advances in our understanding and treatment of anxiety disorders
2 Volumes -
A Companion to Social Geography
Paul Cloke, Vincent J. Del Casino, Ruth Panelli, Mary Thomas
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 1 Mars 2011
- 9781444395204
This volume traces the complexity of social geography in both its historical and present contexts, whilst challenging readers to reflect critically on the tensions that run through social geographic thought. Organized to provide a new set of conceptual lenses through which social geographies can be discussed Presents an original intervention into the debates about social geography Highlights the importance of social geography within the broader field of geography
Cosmological Applications of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes
Thomas-Paul Hack
- Springer
- 17 Août 2015
- 9783319218946
This book provides a largely self-contained and broadly accessible exposition on two cosmological applications of algebraic quantum field theory (QFT) in curved spacetime: a fundamental analysis of the cosmological evolution according to the Standard Model of Cosmology; and a fundamental study of the perturbations in inflation. The two central sections of the book dealing with these applications are preceded by sections providing a pedagogical introduction to the subject. Introductory material on the construction of linear QFTs on general curved spacetimes with and without gauge symmetry in the algebraic approach, physically meaningful quantum states on general curved spacetimes, and the backreaction of quantum fields in curved spacetimes via the semiclassical Einstein equation is also given. The reader should have a basic understanding of General Relativity and QFT on Minkowski spacetime, but no background in QFT on curved spacetimes or the algebraic approach to QFT is required.>
Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows
Paul D. Williams, Thomas Von Larcher
- American Geophysical Union
- 30 Octobre 2014
- 9781118855928
Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows: Insights from Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulations provides a broad overview of recent progress in using laboratory experiments and numerical simulations to model atmospheric and oceanic fluid motions. This volume not only surveys novel research topics in laboratory experimentation, but also highlights recent developments in the corresponding computational simulations. As computing power grows exponentially and better numerical codes are developed, the interplay between numerical simulations and laboratory experiments is gaining paramount importance within the scientific community. The lessons learnt from the laboratory-model comparisons in this volume will act as a source of inspiration for the next generation of experiments and simulations. Volume highlights include: Topics pertaining to atmospheric science, climate physics, physical oceanography, marine geology and geophysics Overview of the most advanced experimental and computational research in geophysics Recent developments in numerical simulations of atmospheric and oceanic fluid motion Unique comparative analysis of the experimental and numerical approaches to modeling fluid flow Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows will be a valuable resource for graduate students, researchers, and professionals in the fields of geophysics, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, climate science, hydrology, and experimental geosciences.
Introduction to UAV Systems
Mohammad H. Sadraey, Paul G. Fahlstrom, Thomas J. Gleason
- Wiley
- 29 Mars 2022
- 9781119802624
Introduction to UAV Systems The latest edition of the leading resource on unmanned aerial vehicle systems In the newly revised Fifth Edition of Introduction to UAV Systems, an expert team of aviators, engineers, and researchers delivers the fundamentals of UAV systems for both professionals and students in UAV courses. Suitable for students in Aerospace Engineering programs, as well as Flight and Aeronautics programs, this new edition now includes end-of-chapter questions and online instructor ancillaries that make it an ideal textbook. As the perfect complement to the author's Design of Unmanned Aerial Systems, this book includes the history, classes, and missions of UAVs. It covers fundamental topics, like aerodynamics, stability and control, propulsion, loads and structures, mission planning, payloads, and communication systems. Brand-new materials in areas including autopilots, quadcopters, payloads, and ground control stations highlight the latest industry technologies. The authors also discuss: A thorough introduction to the history of unmanned aerial vehicles, including their use in various conflicts, an overview of critical UAV systems, and the Predator/Reaper A comprehensive exploration of the classes and missions of UAVs, including several examples of UAV systems, like Mini UAVs, UCAVs, and quadcopters Practical discussions of air vehicles, including coverage of topics like aerodynamics, flight performance, stability, and control In-depth examinations of propulsion, loads, structures, mission planning, control systems, and autonomy Perfect for professional aeronautical and aerospace engineers, as well as students and instructors in courses like Unmanned Aircraft Systems Design and Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Systems, Introduction to UAV Systems is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking coverage of the latest industry advances and technologies in UAV and UAS technology.
A comprehensive guide to planning for CEO succession, from the experts at RHR As the demands from stakeholders for consummate leadership and good governance from a company's board of directors, its CEO, and its executive team increase, how the process of CEO succession is carried out has become more critical than ever before. Yet, over the past several years, a growing number of CEOs have failed early in their terms, often with devastating consequences to their companies and stockholders. By far the most common problem is a lack of ownership of the CEO succession process. Inside CEO Succession provides businesses, leaders, and boards with the strategies they need to execute their responsibilities with a heightened level of professionalism and ensure the sustained success of the companies they serve. Written by Dr. Thomas J. Saporito, CEO of RHR International, and Dr. Paul Winum, Senior Partner of RHR International, the lessons of Inside CEO Succession are rooted in RHR's long-standing history of bringing expert knowledge, experience, advice, and counsel to the issues related to CEO succession. The culmination of RHR's 65 years of experience providing expert counsel to the boards of directors of hundreds of companies, it explains how ego, role-relationships, power, and human dynamics associated with relinquishing leadership, preparing successors, and ceding power and authority to other people create undetected problems in the succession process and ultimately cause many CEOs to fail early in their tenures. Distills RHR's 65 years of experience helping businesses deal with CEO succession into one practical resource Presents strategies to enable boards to understand their role in succession planning and how to source leadership that best fits their organization's culture and requirements Brings together business acumen and psychological insight to help readers better prepare for more effective CEO succession To be successful, CEO succession requires a well-defined course of action that ensures that a number of highly capable candidates are ready to assume the chief executive position whether through an unexpected event or a planned transition. Inside CEO Succession is designed to help boards comprehensively manage that process and effectively sustain their company's profitability.
Pediatric Oncology
Thomas Kuhne, Robert J. Arceci, Paul Imbach
- Springer
- 5 Juillet 2014
- 9783319060101
This is the third edition of a well-received compendium of information and guidance on the diagnosis and management of the various oncological diseases that are encountered in children and adolescents. In the new edition a chapter on Rare Tumors was added. For each disease entity, fundamental facts are provided that will be relevant for a range of professionals - hospital physicians, specialist nurses, psycho-oncologists, physiotherapists, family doctors and pediatricians. Compared with the first edition all chapters have been updated. Throughout, rapid orientation is ensured by the clear, consistent layout and the concise, lucid style. Pediatric Oncology: A Comprehensive Guide is an excellent, easy-to-use reference that belongs on the shelf of every practitioner who encounters or treats malignancies in the pediatric age group. Pediatric Oncology is teamwork! Fundamental facts for all those involved in diagnosis and management - even social worker, pedagogic teachers, religious care persons.
Comets and the Origin and Evolution of Life
Paul J. Thomas, Roland D. Hicks, Christopher F. Chyba, Christopher P. Mckay
- Springer
- 29 Août 2006
- 9783540330882
Nine years after the publication of Comets and the Origin and Evolution of Life, one of the pioneering books in Astrobiology, this second edition revisits the role comets may have played in the origins and evolution of life. Recent analyses of Antarctic micrometeorites and ancient rocks in Australia and South Africa, the continuing progress in discovering complex organic macromolecules in comets, protostars and interstellar clouds, new insights into organic synthesis in comets, and numerical simulations of comet impacts on the Earth and other members of the solar system yield a spectacular wealth of new results.
This second edition is thus actually a new book. As the first edition it is intended as a comprehensive review of current research, accessible to graduate students and others new to the field. Each chapter was prepared by experts to give an overview of an aspect of the field, and carefully revised by the editors for uniformity in style and presentation. -
Nutrient Indicator Models for Determining Biologically Relevant Levels
Charles Clarence Morris, Thomas Paul Simon
- Springer
- 2 Avril 2012
- 9789400741294
Nutrient Indicator Models for Determining Biologically Relevant Levels: A case study based on the Corn Belt and Northern Great Plain Nutrient Ecoregion is the first book to provide answers to the management of nutrients based on changes in biological communities. The text describes a case study that is the result of a large scale project in the Corn Belt and Great Plains Nutrient Ecoregion. This study is the first to identify relationships between fish assemblages and nutrient concentrations by Nitrogen species. Species optima based on sensitivity and tolerance to nutrients is modeled. Nutrient Biotic indices calibrated for application are based on the results of years of biological indicator development. Test response intervals and Shift response intervals are formulated and validated against relevant biological assemblage shifts. This case study is the first to suggest recommended values for the nitrogen and phosphorus cycle with identifiable shifts caused in biological assemblages. This will provide watershed and environmental managers with the information needed to manage the inputs into the world's dead zones. ?
De-testing and de-grading schools
Paul L. Thomas, Joe Bower
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 1 Septembre 2015
- 9781454190134
A century of education and education reform, along with more than three decades of high-stakes testing and accountability, reveals a disturbing paradox: education has a steadfast commitment to testing and grading. This commitment persists despite ample research, theory, and philosophy revealing the corrosive consequences of both testing and grading in an education system designed to support human agency and democratic principles. This revised edited volume brings together a collection of updated and new essays that confronts the failure of testing and grading. The book explores the historical failure of testing and grading; the theoretical and philosophical arguments against testing and grading; the negative influence of tests and grades on social justice, race, class, and gender; and the role that they play in perpetuating a deficit perspective of children. The chapters fall under two broad sections. Part I, Degrading Learning, Detesting Education: The Failure of High-Stake Accountability in Education, includes essays on the historical, theoretical, and philosophical arguments against testing and grading. Part II, De-Grading and De-Testing in a Time of High-Stakes Education Reform, presents practical experiments in de-testing and de-grading classrooms for authentic learning experiences.
Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect
Paul R. Carr, Paul L. Thomas, Julie A. Gorlewski, Brad J. Porfilio
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 20 Juillet 2015
- 9781454194484
Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect presents a wide variety of concepts from scholars and practitioners who discuss pedagogies of kindness, an alternative to the «no excuses» ideology now dominating the way that children are raised and educated in the U.S. today. The fields of education, and especially early childhood education, include some histories and perspectives that treat those who are younger with kindness and respect. This book demonstrates an informed awareness of this history and the ways that old and new ideas can counter current conditions that are harmful to both those who are younger and those who are older, while avoiding the reconstitution of the romantic, innocent child who needs to be saved by more advanced adults. Two interpretations of the upbringing of children are investigated and challenged, one suggesting that the poor do not know how to raise their children and thus need help, while the other looks at those who are privileged and therefore know how to nurture their young. These opposing views have been discussed and problematized for more than thirty years. Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect investigates the issue of why this circumstance has continued and even worsened today.
Wie ueber Gegenwart sprechen?
Thomas Klupp, Paul Brodowsky
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 25 Août 2011
- 9783653007572
Dieser Band stellt avancierte Methoden und Analyseverfahren einer gegenwartsorientierten Literaturwissenschaft vor. Die Beiträge errtern, wie eine brauchbare Definition des Begriffes Gegenwartsliteratur aussehen knnte. Sie untersuchen, ob es eine Gegenwartsliteratur überhaupt gibt und, wenn ja, wann oder wo sie stattfindet. Daraus leiten sich weitere Fragestellungen ab, die aus unterschiedlicher Perspektive behandelt werden: Welches Material ist im Rahmen einer wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Gegenwartsliteratur untersuchenswert? Welche Probleme stellen sich dem Forscher dabei, welchen Erkenntniswert verspricht eine solche Analyse? Und welche Rolle kann eine emphatisch verstandene Gegenwartsliteraturwissenschaft im literarischen Feld der Jetztzeit einnehmen?
Spatial and Social Disparities
Claudia Thomas, John Stillwell, Paul Norman, Paula Surridge
- Springer
- 14 Juin 2010
- 9789048187508
Inequality is one of the major problems of the contemporary world. Significant geographical disparities exist within nations of the developed world, as well as between these countries and those referred to as the `South' in the Bruntland Report. Issues of equity and deprivation must be addressed in view of sustainable development. However, before policymakers can remove the obstacles to a fairer world, it is essential to understand the nature of inequality, both in terms of its spatial and socio-demographic characteristics.
This second volume in the series contains population studies that examine the disparities evident across geographical space in the UK and between different individuals or groups. Topics include demographic and social change, deprivation, happiness, cultural consumption, ethnicity, gender, employment, health, religion, education and social values. These topics and the relationships between them are explored using secondary data from censuses, surveys or administrative records.
In volume 1 the findings of research on fertility, living arrangements, care and mobility are examined. Volume 3 will focus on ethnicity and integration. -
The Psychopathology of American Capitalism
Thomas Paul Bonfiglio
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 8 Juin 2017
- 9783319555928
This book synthesizes psychoanalytic and Marxist techniques in order to illuminate the resistance to a socialization of the American economy, the protectionist discourses of anomalous American capitalism, and the suppression of the capitalist welfare state. After the Second World War, Democrats and Republicans effectively eliminated the communist and socialist parties from the American political spectrum and suppressed their allied labor movements. The right-wing shift of both parties fabricated a false opposition of left and right that does not correspond to political oppositions in the industrialized democracies. Marxist perspectives can account for the massive inequality of the political economy, but they are insufficient for illuminating its preservation. Psychoanalysis is necessary in order to explain why Americans continue to vote within a two-party system that neglects the lower classes, and why the working class tendsto vote against its own interests. The psychoanalytic techniques employed include doubling, repetition, displacement, condensation, inversion, denial, fetishizing, and cognitive repression. In examining the fixation upon the proxy binary of Democrat vs. Republican, which suppresses the true opposition of left vs. right and neutralizes alternatives, the work analyses numerous contemporary political issues through applications of Marxist psychoanalytic theory.
Erfolg im Mittelstand
Jochen Wolf, Bernd Bergschneider, Herbert Paul, Thomas Zipse
- Springer Gabler
- 19 Octobre 2018
- 9783658227630
Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich mit den Besonderheiten der Unternehmensführung in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen. Die Autoren liefern praktische Regeln und Erfolgswissen für wichtige Managementthemen und betriebliche Funktionen. Führungskräfte in etablierten mittelständischen Unternehmen, aber auch in kleinen Familienunternehmen und Start-ups erhalten auf übersichtliche und pragmatische Weise schnelle Hilfestellung für die erfolgreiche Unternehmensführung. Die 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage bietet neue, komprimiert aufbereitete Handlungsempfehlungen zu wichtigen Themen, wie z. B. nachhaltiges Management, Compliance, Digitalisierung und Social Media.
Entrepreneurial Innovation and Leadership
Thomas Schildhauer, Nancy Richter, Paul Jackson
- Palgrave Pivot
- 21 Février 2018
- 9783319717371
Taking the themes of entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation and collaboration, this book seeks to answer the urgent question of how countries and companies can stay competitive in an ever-changing digital environment. The authors determine which entrepreneurial processes will work for whom and under what circumstances, presenting methodological implications for business research, start-ups and policy making. Examining the success of Germany as an innovation powerhouse, and comparing this with the USA, this edited collection provides valuable ideas for improving practice, facilitating start-up activity, and ultimately ensuring a country's competitive edge.
'Race,' Space and Multiculturalism in Northern England
Paul Thomas, Shamim Miah, Pete Sanderson
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 2 Juin 2020
- 9783030420321
This book challenges the narrative of Northern England as a failed space of multiculturalism, drawing on a historically-contextualised discussion of ethnic relations to argue that multiculturalism has been more successful and locally situated than these assumptions allow.The authors examine the interplay between `race', space and place to analyse how profound economic change, the evolving nature of the state, individual racism, and the local creation and enactment of multiculturalist policies have all contributed to shaping the trajectory of ethnic/faith identities and inter-community relations at a local level. In doing so, the book analyses both change and continuity in discussion of, and national/local state policy towards, ethnic relations, particularly around the supposed segregation/integration dichotomy, and the ways in which racialised `events' are perceived and `identities' are created and reflected in state policy operations.
Drawing on the authors' long involvement in empirical research, policy and practice around ethnicity, `race' and racism in the Northern England, they effectively support critical and situated analysis of controversial, racialised issues, and set these geographically specific findings in the context of wider international experiences of and tensions around growing ethnic diversity in the context of profound economic and social changes. -
Chain Reaction
Gavin Serkin, Paul Domjan, Brandon Thomas, John Toshack
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 24 Avril 2021
- 9783030517847
Amidst the constant stream of overly technical and excitable books heralding a blockchain revolution that's destined to be more disruptive than the Internet, this book stands apart for its more nuanced take, focusing on the potential for these new technologies to change developing countries for the better. Chain Reaction divides the world into two: for some, blockchain seems a poor substitute for an efficient banking and regulatory system in which transactions are settled instantly and contracts are underpinned by solid institutions. For others, it will be truly life-changing - namely those living in countries where rule of law is weak, concepts of ownership are vague and, consequently, trust in institutions is in scarce supply.With blockchain, we are about to witness a leapfrogging - one that will bring the next billion emerging consumers into the formal economy by creating reliable institutions of contract, ownership and trust among people previously denied such luxuries.
The authors humanize the technology by taking the reader on a global journey through a multitude of applications - from registering property to voting and delivering aid. In place of the usual abstract lessons in complex technology, this book is instead filled with lively anecdotes of places where trust is so weak that a crisp dollar bill sells at a premium to a better-used version. The book's goal is to create the first truly approachable, entirely comprehensible and enjoyable read on the wonders to come from blockchain.