Simon Reynolds
3 produits trouvés
Sex revolts : rock'n'roll, genre & rébellion
Simon Reynolds, Joy Press
- La découverte
- 20 Mai 2021
- 9782348069185
Iggy Pop a déclaré un jour, à propos des femmes : " Aussi intimes qu'on puisse devenir, je les laisserai toujours tomber. C'est de là que vient ma musique. " Cette férocité masculine, cette répulsion vis-à-vis du féminin, c'est le rock'n'roll à son paroxysme. Que l'on songe aux hymnes machistes des Rolling Stones, au punk et sa glorification de l'abject, ou au culte que Can et Brian Eno vouent à la Terre Mère, la rébellion rock masculine s'est souvent ancrée dans un imaginaire où les femmes étaient sinon absentes, du moins allégoriques ou reléguées à l'arrière-plan.
Sex revolts est le premier ouvrage à faire l'analyse des multiples " misogynies rebelles ". Depuis les premiers rockeurs jusqu'au gangsta rap, en passant par le jazz, le psychédélique, le glam et le postpunk, il dresse un impressionnant panorama de la culture et des artistes rock dans leurs relations au " féminin ". Parallèlement aux généalogies d'une contre-culture qui, depuis les années 1960, s'est attachée à déconstruire certaines formes de masculinité tout en demeurant profondément misogyne,
Sex revolts retrace aussi l'histoire de la rébellion des femmes dans le rock ; celle de musiciennes qui, telles Patti Smith, Siouxsie Sioux ou Courtney Love, ont dû composer avec cet héritage majoritairement masculin pour créer leur propre répertoire et libérer leur propre énergie. -
Marine Fisheries Ecology
Michel Kaiser, Simon Jennings, John D. Reynolds
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 16 Avril 2013
- 9781444311358
This topical and exciting textbook describes fisheries exploitation, biology, conservation and management, and reflects many recent and important changes in fisheries science. These include growing concerns about the environmental impacts of fisheries, the role of ecological interactions in determining population dynamics, and the incorporation of uncertainty and precautionary principles into management advice. The book draws upon examples from tropical, temperate and polar environments, and provides readers with a broad understanding of the biological, economic and social aspects of fisheries ecology and the interplay between them. As well as covering 'classical' fisheries science, the book focuses on contemporary issues such as industrial fishing, poverty and conflict in fishing communities, marine reserves, the effects of fishing on coral reefs and by-catches of mammals, seabirds and reptiles. The book is primarily written for students of fisheries science and marine ecology, but should also appeal to practicing fisheries scientists and those interested in conservation and the impacts of humans on the marine environment. particularly useful are the modelling chapters which explain the difficult maths involved in a user-friendly manner describes fisheries exploitation, conservation and management in tropical, temperate and polar environments broad coverage of 'clasical' fisheries science emphasis on new approaches to fisheries science and the ecosystem effects of fishing examples based on the latest research and drawn from authors' international experience comprehensively referenced throughout extensively illustrated with photographs and line drawings
Marine Fisheries Ecology
Michel Kaiser, Simon Jennings, John D. Reynolds
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 16 Avril 2013
- 9781118688106
This topical and exciting textbook describes fisheries exploitation, biology, conservation and management, and reflects many recent and important changes in fisheries science. These include growing concerns about the environmental impacts of fisheries, the role of ecological interactions in determining population dynamics, and the incorporation of uncertainty and precautionary principles into management advice. The book draws upon examples from tropical, temperate and polar environments, and provides readers with a broad understanding of the biological, economic and social aspects of fisheries ecology and the interplay between them. As well as covering 'classical' fisheries science, the book focuses on contemporary issues such as industrial fishing, poverty and conflict in fishing communities, marine reserves, the effects of fishing on coral reefs and by-catches of mammals, seabirds and reptiles. The book is primarily written for students of fisheries science and marine ecology, but should also appeal to practicing fisheries scientists and those interested in conservation and the impacts of humans on the marine environment. particularly useful are the modelling chapters which explain the difficult maths involved in a user-friendly manner describes fisheries exploitation, conservation and management in tropical, temperate and polar environments broad coverage of 'clasical' fisheries science emphasis on new approaches to fisheries science and the ecosystem effects of fishing examples based on the latest research and drawn from authors' international experience comprehensively referenced throughout extensively illustrated with photographs and line drawings