16 produits trouvés
Description du livre
Berlin, Munich ou peut-être Vienne ? Le créateur de la célèbre méthode Assimil a conçu pour vous le compagnon moderne et indispensable de votre week-end ou séjour en Allemagne ou en Autriche.
°Initiation à la langue : 21 leçons d'allemand
°Les phrases et les mots indispensables
°Toute la prononciation
°Toutes les situations du voyage
Guide pratique de conversation allemand
Pierre Ravier, Werner Reutner
- Le Livre de Poche
- Langues
- 4 Mars 2009
- 9782253159087
Guide pratique de conversation Allemand. Un compagnon indispensable pour le voyage : 600 phrases pour se faire comprendre et se débrouiller en toutes circonstances (à l'hôtel, dans les magasins, au garage, au restaurant, mais aussi à l'hôpital ou chez le dentiste), engager la conversation, demander son chemin... Un guide facile et rapide à utiliser : Une impression en deux couleurs pour repérer tout de suite la langue, et une transcription phonétique de tous les mots pour faciliter la prononciation.L'essentiel dans un formatencore plus pratique : 6000 mots et expressions de base et un « mini-dictionnaire » de 2000 mots.
Auf deutsch reisen : Pratique et facile !
Découvrez comment voyager en allemand : au départ, de l'aéroport au centre ville, à l'hôtel, au restaurant, et bien d'autres
Un ebook pratique et malin qui répondra rapidement à toutes vos questions sur ce sujet.
Avec plus de 300 titres parus, la collection "Petit Guide" vous propose de découvrir l'essentiel des sujets les plus passionnants et répond à vos questions sur l'histoire, les sciences, la nature, les religions, la santé, la cuisine, les langues et bien d'autres domaines !
Également disponible en numérique :
- L'histoire de France
- Le corps humain
- Se soigner par les plantes
- Les mathématiques
- L'anglais (L'essentiel)
- L'espagnol (L'essentiel)
- Homéopathie
- Les 12 signes du zodiaque
- La grammaire
- La Première Guerre mondiale
- La beauté au quotidien
- Ces aliments qui font maigrir
- Remèdes anciens et beaucoup d'autres ! -
Guide de conversation allemand pour les nuls
Paulina Christensen, Anne Fox
- Pour les nuls
- 19 Mars 2020
- 9782412058497
Nouvelle édition du guide de conversation L'allemand pour les Nuls vendu à plus de 52 000 exemplaires !Des bases de la prononciation au vocabulaire nécessaire pour sortir en ville, de la grammaire aux indications nécessaires en cas d'urgence en passant par tous les termes essentiels à connaître si vous souhaitez aller au restaurant, apprendre l'allemand ne sera plus une corvée !
Les 1000 mots indispensables en allemand
Anne-Claire Brabant
- First
- Le petit livre de
- 20 Décembre 2012
- 9782754045056
Le guide de survie pour tout comprendre et tout dire en allemand !
Vous partez en voyage à Berlin ?Les 1000 mots indispensables est LE livre qu'il vous faut. Classé par thèmes ("au restaurant", "achats", "transports"...) afin d'y trouver en un clin d'oeil le mot ou l'expression dont on a besoin, il comprend les 1000 mots les plus utiles aux voyageurs. Ce mini-lexique permet de disposer de suffisamment de mots et de phrases pour créer un contact, briser la glace, et survivre en milieu germanophone !
Pour tout comprendre, pour tout dire : la première partie du petit livre consiste en un mini-lexique français-allemand, pour comprendre une carte au restaurant, un panneau de signalisation, un autochtone...La seconde partie consiste en un mini-lexique allemand-français : histoire de pouvoir s'exprimer et communiquer ! Avec aussi tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la prononciation, des encadrés sur les idiomes ou les expressions utiles, des exemples... -
Un vocabulaire thématique pour trouver le mot juste en toute circonstance et pour enrichir son expression à l'oral et à l'écrit.
o avec plus de 4 000 mots, l'ensemble du vocabulaire de base à acquérir pour comprendre et se faire comprendre en allemand ;
o une organisation thématique ainsi que des illustrations pour une meilleure mémorisation des mots nouveaux ;
o un index détaillé. -
Le petit guide de survie en Allemagne ; spécial séjour linguistique
- Larousse
- Guide de survie
- 6 Février 2013
- 9782035889461
Un petit guide plein d'humour et de conseils, pour aider les élèves à préparer leur séjour linguistique et les accompagner au quotidien.
Guides de conversation : Allemand - Guide de conversation
Bettina Schödel
- Assimil
- Guides De Conversation
- 12 Décembre 2013
- 9782700560619
Description du livre
Attention, livre numérique hautement enrichi !
Berlin, Munich ou peut-être Vienne ? Avec plus de 2h30 de conversation audio, le créateur de la célèbre méthode Assimil a conçu pour vous le compagnon moderne et indispensable de votre week-end ou séjour en Allemagne ou en Autriche.
°Plus de 2h30 d'audio
°Initiation à la langue : 21 leçons d'allemand
°Les phrases et les mots indispensables
°Toute la prononciation
°Toutes les situations du voyage
German Vocabulary for English Speakers - 3000 Words
Andrey Taranov
- T&P Books
- 1 Novembre 2012
- 9781780710150
This book is a learning tool for mastering basic German vocabulary. It will help you obtain a solid base in your knowledge of the German language. The 3000 words contained in this edition will aid in your understanding of simple phrases and hone your composition skills. This manual will also be an invaluable reference during any trip abroad where the German language is spoken. Simple transcriptions of each word will assist in the memorization of reading rules. Once you have mastered even only 70% of the words contained in this vocabulary guide, you will be able to say: "Yes! I speak a little German!"
The vocabulary has 101 topics including: Basic concepts, Numbers, Units of measurement, The most important verbs, Time, Calendar, Day and night, Months, Seasons, Travel, Sightseeing, City, Shopping, Clothing & Accessories, Cosmetics, Telephone, Phone conversation, Foreign languages, Meals, Restaurant, Family members, Furniture, Household appliances, Weather and more ...
This book is intended to help you learn, memorize, and review over 3000 commonly used German words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of both beginners and advanced learners. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreign learners of English. Revised Edition, November 2012. Ref. NUM11.12 -
German Vocabulary for English Speakers - 5000 Words
Andrey Taranov
- T&P Books
- 1 Novembre 2012
- 9781780710433
The use of this 5000-word German vocabulary will allow you to understand simple texts and will give you much needed confidence in everyday conversation. Used in combination with a grammar course, it will aid in your ability to correctly compose many phrases. When watching German films, you will begin to hear and understand more and more words and phrases. This guide will assist you in attaining a higher level of German that will finally allow you to say: "I can speak German!"
The vocabulary has 155 topics including: Basic Concepts, Numbers, Colors, Months, Seasons, Units of Measurement, Clothing & Accessories, Food & Nutrition, Restaurant, Family Members, Relatives, Character, Feelings, Emotions, Diseases, City, Town, Sightseeing, Shopping, Money, House, Home, Office, Working in the Office, Import & Export, Marketing, Job Search, Sports, Education, Computer, Internet, Tools, Nature, Countries, Nationalities and more ...
This book is intended to help you learn, memorize, and review over 5000 commonly used German words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of both beginners and advanced learners. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreign learners of English. Revised Edition, November 2012. Ref. NUM11.12
German Vocabulary for English Speakers - 7000 Words
Andrey Taranov
- T&P Books
- 1 Novembre 2012
- 9781780710716
The knowledge of approximately 7000 words makes it possible to understand authentic German texts. Combining vocabulary with conversational practice, you will be able to produce fluent phrases and express your thoughts smoothly and accurately. You will find it easy and natural to talk about various everyday topics. This knowledge and ability will help you to achieve the language level where you may confidently say: "Yes! I do speak German."
The vocabulary has 198 topics including: Basic Concepts, Numbers, Colors, Months, Seasons, Units of Measurement, Clothing & Accessories, Food & Nutrition, Restaurant, Family Members, Relatives, Character, Feelings, Emotions, Diseases, City, Town, Sightseeing, Shopping, Money, House, Home, Office, Working in the Office, Import & Export, Marketing, Job Search, Sports, Education, Computer, Internet, Tools, Nature, Countries, Nationalities and more ...
This book is intended to help you learn, memorize, and review over 7000 commonly used German words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of both beginners and advanced learners. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreign learners of English. Revised Edition, November 2012. Ref. NUM11.12
German Vocabulary for English Speakers - 9000 Words
Andrey Taranov
- T&P Books
- 1 Novembre 2012
- 9781780710990
Knowing and understanding around 9000 German words will give you the ability to read and write with only the minimal use of a dictionary. This knowledge will foster your ability to express your thoughts during conversation in a precise and accurate way. With a little practice and with the added help and experience of having viewed many German films, you will be proud and amazed at your new level of German. You will now see your language level improve to the point where you can say: "German? Absolutely! I know it very well."
The vocabulary has 256 topics including: Basic Concepts, Numbers, Colors, Months, Seasons, Units of Measurement, Clothing & Accessories, Food & Nutrition, Restaurant, Family Members, Relatives, Character, Feelings, Emotions, Diseases, City, Town, Sightseeing, Shopping, Money, House, Home, Office, Working in the Office, Marketing, Sports, Education, Computer, Internet, Tools, Nature, Countries, Nationalities and more ...
This book is intended to help you learn, memorize, and review over 9000 commonly used German words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of both beginners and advanced learners. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreign learners of English. Revised Edition, November 2012. Ref. NUM11.12
Dutch vocabulary for English speakers - 3000 words
Andrey Taranov
- T&P Books
- 1 Novembre 2012
- 9781780710068
This book is a learning tool for mastering basic Dutch vocabulary. It will help you obtain a solid base in your knowledge of the Dutch language. The 3000 words contained in this edition will aid in your understanding of simple phrases and hone your composition skills. This manual will also be an invaluable reference during any trip abroad where the Dutch language is spoken. Simple transcriptions of each word will assist in the memorization of reading rules. Once you have mastered even only 70% of the words contained in this vocabulary guide, you will be able to say: "Yes! I speak a little Dutch!"
The vocabulary has 101 topics including: Basic concepts, Numbers, Units of measurement, The most important verbs, Time, Calendar, Day and night, Months, Seasons, Travel, Sightseeing, City, Shopping, Clothing & Accessories, Cosmetics, Telephone, Phone conversation, Foreign languages, Meals, Restaurant, Family members, Furniture, Household appliances, Weather and more ...
This book is intended to help you learn, memorize, and review over 3000 commonly used Dutch words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of both beginners and advanced learners. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreign learners of English. Revised Edition, November 2012. Ref. NUM11.12 -
Dutch vocabulary for English speakers - 5000 words
Andrey Taranov
- T&P Books
- 1 Novembre 2012
- 9781780710341
The use of this 5000-word Dutch vocabulary will allow you to understand simple texts and will give you much needed confidence in everyday conversation. Used in combination with a grammar course, it will aid in your ability to correctly compose many phrases. When watching Dutch films, you will begin to hear and understand more and more words and phrases. This guide will assist you in attaining a higher level of Dutch that will finally allow you to say: "I can speak Dutch!"
The vocabulary has 155 topics including: Basic Concepts, Numbers, Colors, Months, Seasons, Units of Measurement, Clothing & Accessories, Food & Nutrition, Restaurant, Family Members, Relatives, Character, Feelings, Emotions, Diseases, City, Town, Sightseeing, Shopping, Money, House, Home, Office, Working in the Office, Import & Export, Marketing, Job Search, Sports, Education, Computer, Internet, Tools, Nature, Countries, Nationalities and more ...
This book is intended to help you learn, memorize, and review over 5000 commonly used Dutch words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of both beginners and advanced learners. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreign learners of English. Revised Edition, November 2012. Ref. NUM11.12
Dutch vocabulary for English speakers - 7000 words
Andrey Taranov
- T&P Books
- 1 Novembre 2012
- 9781780710624
The knowledge of approximately 7000 words makes it possible to understand authentic Dutch texts. Combining vocabulary with conversational practice, you will be able to produce fluent phrases and express your thoughts smoothly and accurately. You will find it easy and natural to talk about various everyday topics. This knowledge and ability will help you to achieve the language level where you may confidently say: "Yes! I do speak Dutch."
The vocabulary has 198 topics including: Basic Concepts, Numbers, Colors, Months, Seasons, Units of Measurement, Clothing & Accessories, Food & Nutrition, Restaurant, Family Members, Relatives, Character, Feelings, Emotions, Diseases, City, Town, Sightseeing, Shopping, Money, House, Home, Office, Working in the Office, Import & Export, Marketing, Job Search, Sports, Education, Computer, Internet, Tools, Nature, Countries, Nationalities and more ...
This book is intended to help you learn, memorize, and review over 7000 commonly used Dutch words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of both beginners and advanced learners. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreign learners of English. Revised Edition, November 2012. Ref. NUM11.12
Un guide au format de poche très pratique et parfaitement adapté au voyage, pour vivre l'aventure en V.O. ! Pratique et facile d'utilisation : des sections en couleurs et un découpage thématique lié au voyage (orientation, transports, à table...) permettent de trouver la bonne expression au bon moment.
Deux dictionnaires bilingues et des encadrés avec une sélection d'expressions et de phrases du langage courant pour avoir un aperçu de la langue parlée dans la rue.
Chaque mot est accompagné de sa prononciation.
Une grammaire de A à Z pour pouvoir créer ses propres phrases.
Plus de 3 500 mots et phrases utiles au voyageur pour engager la conversation.
Les plats et les ingrédients de la cuisine locale expliqués, pour que le voyageur puisse commander la nourriture en toute confiance.
Des mots et des phrases à utiliser dans les magasins et plein de conseils utiles sur la culture et les règles de bonne conduite.